This Lemmy instance is run entirely by volunteers and not for profit, on a best-efforts basis.
If you abuse the site or its users, we may ban you or otherwise terminate your account. Don’t do that please.
We are not hosted in Malaysia.
We will not sell or otherwise disclose your data, unless required by law.
Lemmy does some basic activity logging, which we retain on whatever its default settings are, e.g. cookies so you stay logged in, IP addresses for ban evasion.
Like any other online forum, site admins have direct database access, and sometimes need to use it (migrations, capacity issues, dealing with spam). Please act accordingly. For example, you don’t need to provide an email address to create an account if this makes you uncomfortable.
We are not a commercial organisation. As such, the Malaysian PDPA does not apply to us: this strictly only governs commercial transactions. For similar reasons, neither do the GDPR, CCPA, and COPPA.
Special Thanks
Thank you to the great minds of the r/Malaysia Discord server for coming up with the site name! Specifically u/targus.