Apparently, Ashli Babbitt’s mother was in attendance (who knows why). Anyway, this Hostetter dude mentioned Ashli’s name, among all his other brain dead statements. He claimed she’s not actually dead! The mother afterwards said that said didn’t like the comment, but thought that his sentence was too long. How at that point do you not simply say screw him, pile it on?! She’s so gone on her own nonsense probably she can’t even see the people she “sides with” have no interest other than to use her daughter as a prop. And it’s pretty fucking sick. I wish them all the worst.
Apparently, Ashli Babbitt’s mother was in attendance (who knows why)
Yeah, she’s been trying to capitalize on the comically stupid and pointless death of her traitor daughter for awhile now.
there’s no gain from mocking a death. don’t preoccupy yourself here
additive : death sucks
I’ll mock traitors all I want. Take this sanctimonious nonsense somewhere else.
bet your ass you can have all the words
I disagree that her death was “comical” but mocking her absolutely serves the purpose of preventing her being elevated as a martyr for a stupid cause. The more everyone says she’s a sad joke who threw her life away for nothing, the harder it is for martyrdom to gain traction. I’m here for it.
crazy dax told you shut the hell up
so you saw that crazy girl attempt an attack on congress, now you want to say what, what is you want
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Presumably democracy
Counterpoint: Henry Kissinger
War criminal from the Nixon administration. Lead to the deaths of millions in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Pakistan, and many other countries. He died last week and the entire world was celebrating
Are you for real
Do you not know of the Darwin Awards?
Or are you the type of person who “doesn’t speak ill of the dead” even though they might have done stupid or evil things?
i need some help.
who is mike johnson
Whew, gonna block you man.
Everything you’ve said so far has been unhinged.
I agree that everything the commenter has said has been unhinged (like, way unhinged). Buuut, it’s not like he has your personal phone number texting you every 5 minutes. Haha
What is the point of blocking someone you’ll probably never engage with again?
It’s the best way to deal with trolls. Block them. They are the reason squelch is an option.
sorry friend
There’s no gain for trying to breach a secured area either.
You know there is. It’s just incredibly high risk.
What did she win for her valiant attempt? It doesn’t seem to be more than consequences. If it was really worth it I woud think more of those brave freethinkers would have piled in. That security guard had a Glock with no more than 17 rounds so it’s not like they all would get the same reward babbit did.
She got a free bullet.
Those things are expensive these days.
She wasn’t successful. There are only rewards if you can breach, get the prize, and get out.
Babit shows the full extent of the risk.
Well a lot of them seemed to get in and get out and not face persecution for years. What did they get? Selfies?
What are your thoughts about George Floyd?
he was murdered. sorry i fucked off into a wilderness.
I don’t care.
So Ashlin Babbitt got her dumb ass self killed. Now her fellow “patriots” think that she was a planted actor as part of the deep state. That’s some chef’s kiss irony right there.
Also, the fact that this dude brought weapons to an insurrection with the intent of “putting the fear of God” into Congress, and then has the balls to claim that January 6th was a false flag is some serious mental gymnastics. Is he claiming that he’s a deep state plant himself?
people who have something to gain from her are probably extremely kind to her.
I’m thinking of how they used Paula Jones in the Clinton impeachment kinda thing.
what do you want
It’s tough because a lot of these people don’t really have a choice unless they want to be alone.
Either their talked down on by liberals, or taken advantage of by conservatives.
I think the solution would be for liberals to be kinder and more compassionate to people like this because they clearly don’t know any better! I don’t think most of you can do it though because you’re not actually good people.
This reads as very out of touch. I grew up with conservatives and am now very liberal. I am not an asshole to them but they will find anyway they can to be assholes to me. Questioning everything about me. My faith, my friends, my diet, my lifestyle, everything. They get mad when I don’t laugh at their gay joke. They get mad when I choose not to eat meat. They get mad when I choose to walk instead of drive somewhere. I’ve never spoken a word of judgement but they take my lifestyle choices as judgment of them and create strawmen in their heads that I am criticising everything they do. These are not ‘good people’. These are people that actively support a self professed aspiring dictator. They take me not eating meat as talking down to them and are willing to retaliate with fascism - this isn’t rational decision making. We need to dismantle corporate run media and the role of money in politics. Stop blaming people that are making good decisions for the problems creates by those making bad ones
Well said
Has it ever occurred to you that they may be insecure?
True. We should just let them destroy our democracy. Because they’re insecure.
Lol what? “Be kinder to the fascists” has been tried already. It’s called “appeasement.”
Take a guess how that worked out.
If you don’t want to be talked down to. Stop acting like you need to be. It’s not “liberal” boogymen doing this. It’s sane people. And if you behave sane or ask for help, they’ll compassionately extend a helping hand. Every time.
But this is the problem with people who victimize themselves. They created the problem themselves and they don’t want to solve it because it means undoing what they’ve done. Or admitting that they were wrong. So they simply double down and nowadays find other insane people who will confirm their reality defying beliefs. Mistaking ignorant confirmation bias for compassion.
You think the solution is for the people who already want equality for all to somehow become even kinder? Being liberal is already the logical consequence of basic kindness. Kindness results in altruism, which results in social awareness and liberal activism.
This conservative assumption that everyone showing altruism must be a false actor is indicative of some significant mental illness.
“You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.” I’ve witnessed this first-hand.
The vast majority of liberals are tribalists just like conservatives. They don’t care to help others, just themselves and their tribe.
I’m not going to argue anymore on this, because then I would be here forever.
I have to wonder what your definition of “liberal” is. Because if we’re talking about progressives, the entire ideology is based on helping others. Even center-left politicians do things to help others.
They don’t care to help others, just themselves and their tribe.
It is clear from this that (1) you don’t know any liberals, and (2) you fail at basic logical deductions. All you have to do to know whether liberals are altruistic or not is look at their policies. You’d see helping people all over them… but that would require you to open your eyes.
I’m not going to argue anymore on this, because then I would be here forever.
And this is what’s holding you back. You’ve made a decision to be part of the problem.
Just a reminder that the dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.
Nothing funnier for americans than people getting raped in jail.
So you are not metaphor friendly then.
Just in case you don’t realize: the “dildo of consequences” is a metaphor. There isn’t a literal dildo involved.
Unless that’s your thing. I don’t judge.
Please do not paint us all with one broad brush.
I’m American I didn’t even think of that.
It’s an expression mate - it doesn’t mean what the literal words translate to, just like “sticking your head in the sand” doesn’t mean somebody has actually dug a hole in the sand and put his or her head in it.
Don’t confuse your own ignorance with malice from somebody else.
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Nothing funnier for non-Americans than to point out they aren’t Americans. Get a new punchline ffs lmao
mic feedback
thank you.
What ever happened to that guy with the zip ties for restraining hostages with? Is he going to do some time over this too? While not as affective at chopping meat with, I feel like the intent was more pronounced with the zip ties.
He got time but not as much
Eric Munchel, 32, of Tennessee, was sentenced to nearly five years in prison in connection with the attack on the U.S. Capitol in 2021, while his mother, Lisa Eisenhart, 59, received a two-and-a-half-year term.
That just shows you, when they post the sign-up sheet to bring things to the insurrection, you want to respond early so you can get something like zip-ties. If you put if off too long, you’ll end up having to bring the hatchet.
Ideally, you want to be first so you can just bring the kool-aid. I understand they drink a lot of it.
Also sentencing is starting to get more aggressive as I think judges are seeing that these morons are becoming moron celebrities in the moron community. Aside from the judges that are also in the moron community.
the guy who shouted “trump won” after his sentencing kinda blew it for everyone else.
I think the buffalo hat dude is also fucking it up for the rest.
Ideally, you want to be first so you can just bring the kool-aid. I understand they drink a lot of it.
Well played.
(jan 6 insurrection sign up sheet)
“Wow someone wants to bring a horned headdress? Okay!”
What if I dose rednecks with acid as I walk about
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You may want to check your math on that…
Looks like a 27 year age difference to me
Meaning she was incubating for 11 years if you’re right
The left can’t math. 😜 It was me, I deleted my post in shame
They should have started with the 11 year sentences for these cowardly idiots.
Honestly shocked that one of them is being sentenced to hard time. Too bad he didn’t have drugs on him.
I heard they love ex-cops in jail. Long time.
jail is not for torture and we got a lot of problems that won’t be fixed with a shitty attitude. fix your perspective and don’t forget, the cops must be brought to bear
brought to bear - means “to use with effect”
yeah that was a misuse of the phrase
While I agree for most offenders, cops are the exception. They deserve every bit of awfulness in prison. They are there ones lieing in court to put innocent people in jail, and they are the ones running the jails.
Is that … Mac?!
He’s finally going to live with his father!
Country Mac
Don’t you fucking sully Country Mac’s name
Supreme court: you are infringing on the first amendment rights of protestors to make their views known about the political association of butcher implements and politicians’ meat,
Imagine throwing away your life over such an obvious lie
hey! i have a cool, functional hatchet. it’s for camping. basically making firewood from dead branches.
medieval warfare in the 21st century… what?
Don’t matter what year it is. Axes chop meat. If we don’t cut this nonsense short, it’ll chop meat in your neighborhood too.
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Secret Service was still running the metal detectors and confiscating guns
so… metal detectors wouldn’t find hatchets?
depends on the hatchet.
gonna go back to the stone age!
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I dunno, maybe he thought he could chop down a door or something?
Secret Juggalo.
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fuck it. nothing to begained from death.
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i need this shit to stop
The terrorism? Or the accountability?