Unfortunately I lost my shirt that I paid a fucking whole bitcoin for.
Ouch. Wish I’d been lucky enough to own a whole bitcoin.
I could cry. One of the best cultural resources ever. poof
Yeah, I miss what.cd. never bought merch tho 😭
I have an original pirate bay shirt. Never been worn.
always and forever
Holy fuck they sold shirts? I didn’t really give a shit about formats other than mp3 before I joined that place. I was a FLAC whore by the time I got off the high seas, and it was because of that place.
Wow, literally wearing my what.cd shirt today, the colour test dot point one. I’ve never met anyone in the wild who knows what it is, or even asks about it.
I’ve got 2. One I’ve worn and one that I never have. The worn one I’ve only wore a handful of times because, even then, I knew it would never be replicated.
Pretty sure you can just get more printed whenever you want from anywhere that does custom t-shirts.
I was at work ~5 years ago and saw a guy wearing a shirt that stole the logo from Oink’s Pink Palace. He had no idea what I was talking about.
So sad, what.cd was a real one
I’ve got a glass mug around here somewhere. I’ll post a pic if I find it.
WHAA? They made mugs. That so cool. I wanna see.
Here it is in frosted glory 😄
Yeah that beats a t shirt. That filled with a pint of fresh local brew sounds heavenly.
I almost filled it up with a brew to take the pic. Missed opportunity damn!
I have some Rippy stickers around somewhere.
What was what.cd? Never heard of it
It was really hard to get in. Like they give you study materials about music encoding and other shit, you had to take an exam and a interview. Never took it because music piracy was not my thing, but i heard that they had basically everything before anyone else and top quality.
when it got shut down a lot of commenters referred to it like losing “the library of alexandria of music”
not just hard to get stuff - stuff found in dumpsters behind studios that was never released or copied - but it was all available in the highest possible qualities by people who knew how to copy sound (both in an analog and digital sense in the best possible ways), sorted and catalogued immaculately
I forgot about this. I was sad when it went down.
Uhhh, they literally gave you the answers though. It was more of a ‘can you use ctrl-f’
@Agreeably7592 @PanaX It was a piracy website, most commonly used to download music.
That font is peak “graphic design is my PaSsIoN” haha