I think the US forgets the UK gets much more annual paid holiday entitlement by law. Enjoy having to also use yours as sick :)
Sorry, couldn’t hear you over all my freedom
We also had one extra day holiday this year because of something king related. I’m not into royalty but a free day off, I’ll take it.
I like the 4th of July, it’s the day of the year the Yanks finally use the correct day / month format.
That’s reverse logic but I guess it’s better than no logic at all. ISO 8601 is the correct way.
That’s great for data storage but in everyday speech it’s not that useful.
That’s what we use in my home country both in written form and in everyday speech. It’s completely fine, and I’d even argue it’s better.
You mentally go from the broadest information to the more specific, the first piece of data you hear is immediately useful as you can place in time instead of having to wait until you hear the whole date.
It’s the same logic as with every other form measurement from time, distance, volume, weight etc.
Dangit. I might need to call in for paid sick leave without wasting any paid days off and have a doctor check me out without seeing any invoices after that blow
Dude. Just let us have this.
I will gladly let you have everything I have and more. I think you deserve the things I have. So I would do you a disservice, if I let you have a hollow victory that’ll just lull you into a false sense of “this is fine”.
Only if I’m willing to wake up at the crack of dawn to register myself onto the waiting list behind every other bugger in the city.
Jokes aside: the waiting times in most of Europe are fractionally longer than in the US and that is mainly because more people have access to more medical aid in the first place. It’s easy to get fast appointments if the percentage of the population actually trying to get them is way smaller and that’s not a good thing come to think of it.
Besides: a doctor’s appointment at a general practitioner is usually on the same day, in rare cases on the next. So you will always have quick access to a doctor if you need one, ER care and such nit taken into account, because those exist as well of course.
Celebrating your independence from beans that aren’t full of sugar
Canada beans gotta work tomorrow too.
Yeah but we got Monday off. Some of us anyways.
Got to work on the 4th, but beans are part of the national breakfast.
blood pudding is too…
blood… pudding?
We just call it black pudding. It’s delicious.
Europe is starting to wake up… what is with the beans?
We know what you all like for breakfast (why), so we had it waiting for you. You’re welcome. Good morning, beautiful.
In England perhaps, here in Belgium we eat sweet stuff for breakfast, for example we sometimes eat dark brown pill-shaped chocolaty stuff called “mouse shit” on our slices of bread. Yum!
As an American, your geography lessons hold no power here. Enjoy your beans, Europe.