- Bulbasaur (but it is so close because all three are good choices)
- Totodile (but IMO Chikorita gets too much hate)
- Torchic
- Fart monkey (Turtwig is nice too. Piplup is cute but turns into a monarchist)
- The hog, although Emboar should have been fire/dark.
- Chespin because I like pangolins but all the starters are kind of meh here.
- All three of these are perfect babies but I had to pick Rowlet because birb. Gen 7 is perfect, fuck you. Gamefreak make Decidueye competitive you cowards.
- All three are meh, Sword and Shield is blah.
- The zombie crocodile because he comes with a free bird in his final evo. All three are perfect babies though.
Yes I am a giant adult baby please roast me.
- charmander
- totodile
- mudkip
- piplup
- tepig
- fennekin
- litten
- scorbunny
- weed cat
I barely pick grass lmao, but I love weed cat so much
weed cat my beloved
- bulbasaur
- chikorita
- torchic
- piplup
- snivy
- fennekin
- rowlet
- grookey
- sprigatito
i <3 grass pokémon so two thirds of them being grass makes sense
pig guy
the nerd
1-brain cell seal
short-ass crocodile
- Bulbasaur
- Chikorita (always my favorite of the Gen 2 starters)
- Mudkip
- Turtwig
- Oshawat
- Chespin
- Rowlet
- Scorbunny
- Weed Cat
- Charmander (not my original choice but, it’s a dragon)
- Totodile (Reminds me of my Alma Mater. I want to try Chikorita again as a bulky support type).
- Treecko (Cool offensive speed guy and I’m partial to grass types, despite them all being cool)
- Turtwig (My first starter. Gen 4 nostalgia, don’t talk about there being no fire types except Chimchar.)
- Grass snake- He’s alright.
- Ninja Frog- (Very basic take from me)
- Rowlet- (Adorable owl)
- Fire Rabbit (Adorable and cute)
- Weed Cat- (Despite not smoking weed, I still find this meme funny. Plus it’s adorable)
On a related note, I wish they buffed Azumarill earlier.
Bulbasaur: i always like bulbasaur from the anime and hope GF will bring back its mega
Cyndaquil: mostly because of the hisuan version
Mudkip: king of adv OU
Turtwig: i love the turtle and its ground/grass stabs now it gets shell smash
Snivy: i like snakes and contrary leaf storm
Froakie: a really cool ninja frog
Rowlet: i just like his last evo look
Grookey : its one of the best grass mons
Fuecoco: best unaware tank plus its a croc
- bulbabsaur
that is all. thats the only pokemon you ever need
Skipping gens I didn’t play
Pikachu (Yellow was my first video game)
Litten (even though the final evo was a letdown)
I like Incineroar! A wrestling heel Pokémon is an insanely funny concept.
Litten is a cute little kitty, Incineroar is just a guy, I felt bait-and-switched. I was hoping for something closer to a fire type Persian.
Yeah I think everyone was lol. I would prefer they stop making them all so humanoid too. At least Skeledirge (the latest fire starter) evolves into a quadrupedal thicc croc. Love that weirdo.
- Bulbasaur (anyone who doesn’t choose bulba should be temp banned and post in selfcrit on return)
- Totodile (i chose bayleef on the playthrough, then cyndie on arceus but of the three I think totodile has the funniest personality from the anime)
- Torchic (i kinda feel like I’d like mudkip if itsl weren’t for the ovedone meme)
- Piplup (they’re all cute, the design rhis gen was great across the board imo)
- Snivy (I didn’t play this gen tho)
- Froakie (frog. I know gren is a fan fave but I don’t really care much for it, I actually like delphox as the stage 2)
- Rowlet (perfect Pokemon literally :rowlett-oh-noes:)
- Sobble (just a shy little froggie kinda thing)
- Sprigatito but the duck a close second (I didn’t choose it because I wasn’t super jazzed by its stage 2 evo)
I almost never go with Totodile, but that’s because you can get champs like Wooper and Qwilfish (if you’re patient) before the second gym.
I have no skin in the pokemans game but I have to remark that the top right creature bears a striking resemblance to
- Tortoise with artillery, fight me
- Chikorita, Cyndaquill is overrated, fight me
- Torchic all the way
- Playing it right now and went with Turtwig, I fucking LOVE Piplup tho, i just dont like the evolutions…
- honestly these are all great, they are perfect, i love them
- Rowlett is best :3
- I dont care
- why is donald duck cosplaying as trump
Tortoise with artillery, fight me
Why would I fight you, I’m a huge Gamera fan, I love Blastoise, I just love Venusaur more
would you fight me if i asked nicely
well maybe i don wanna anymore
Bulbasaur Totodile Mudkip Turtwig Oshawott Froakie Litten Grookey Sprigatito
- Charmander
- Chikorita
- Torchick
- Not played
- Not played
- Fennekin
- Litten
- Scorbunny
- Weed cat
i always pick the cutest
all of them
none wtf is this
weed cat
- Squirtle
- gator
- mudkip
- penguin
- boar
- frog
- owl
- rabbit
- weed cat