Nyman’s character, also named Lena, lives with her father in a small apartment in Stockholm and is driven by a burning passion for social justice and a need to understand the world, people and relationships. Her little room is filled with books, papers, and boxes full of clippings on topics such as “religion” and “men”, and files on each of the 23 men with whom she has had sex. The walls are covered with pictures of concentration camps and a portrait of Francisco Franco, reminders of the crimes being perpetrated against humanity. She walks around Stockholm and interviews people about social classes in society, conscientious objection, gender equality, and the morality of vacationing in Franco’s Spain.
This is a hexbear poster
What is this a movie of? Just asking questions.
Hi, I Am Curious (Yellow) I Am Curious (Blue)
Blue was not as well-received as Yellow, earning a 48% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 25 reviews. In The New Yorker, Penelope Gilliatt said that “It is decked out with a lot of idiot sociology and seriously marred by its mock humor, which has the discomfort and occasional ugliness of a jape by a meagre-spirited schoolmaster.”
Dang maybe I AM I Am Curious (Blue)