he got up to stage and said he bought the fascist candidate. lots of people saw that and said “that’s OK, I’ll still vote red” and even more people saw that and said “that’s OK, I’ll still not vote”. around 160 million people saw this and were OK with it. yeah he wasn’t elected, but the “dictator on day one” was.
This right here.
They had a website for two years with a detailed plan. Project 2025 was widely known an people either voted for it or stayed at home. The dildo of consequences, as they say…
Did we all forget the elected one put the unelected one in power?
A good run? 2 years of actually peace since the us existenz is your benchmark for a good run?
Looks inside
Constitution written exclusively to protect monopoly business interests and prevent a monarchy
seems legit lol
Yeah I’m sure that giving rights to everyone (amendments are part of the Constitution!) was purely for business interests …
we had a good run
Did you, though?
Amerikkka never had real democracy
Democracy must be fragile af if this is all it takes to topple it
Using first-past-the-post and giving a president too much power is fragile, yes.
Proportional election and a president with much less power is far safer. Some stuff takes a while to become a law, but at least it’ll be an actual agreement instead of an order.
They have been eroding education and disenfranchising voters for decades. He loves the poorly educated, you know?
Democracy resisted for quite some time despite glaring problems.
See the Business Plot of 1933 that was undermined by a Medal of Honor-recipient and Major General, Smedley Butler whom they tried to recruit for the coup.
Most good things are fragile. And with most things it just takes a few assholes to ruin it.
Capitalism’s natural and unavoidable end stage.
I like to blame capitalism for everything, too, but this has nothing to do with capitalism. Just the US Democracy not being a Democracy
Capitalism worsens the principal agent problem of representative democracy because it’s trivial to bribe representatives, especially now.
Ah yes the world richest man and a billionaire president have no financial motives for overthrowing the US gov. Definitely not the fault of the greedy capitalist system
By world richest man you mean Putin or Bin Salman?
Pick one it’ll probably be correct anyway
Yes, but a functioning democratic system does not allow that.
Any power tripping person could overthrow a country for different reasons (like Hitler for example)
Capitalism encourages the break down of the democratic system.
Where communism never had any democracy to start with.
Thats because the US toppled every Democratic attempt at communism and socialism with staged coups and assassinations.
And why’s that folks? That’s right! The profit motive!
Yes, the US is clearly to blame for the Stasi.
Unbridled capitalism.
No, just capitalism is correct. Unbridled or not, the profit incentive and private ownership over the means of production, both of which are intrinsic to a capitalist economic structure, still exist and contribute to systemic oppression.
Looks inside
And completely broken and idiotic and easily manipulated voting system.
USA is a kakistocracy of the oligarchs
Change my mind
Thats a new word for me! What’s it mean?
People who believe in 250 years of democracy enable systemic racism, patriarchy, etc.
Libs, please grow up.
It was deeply flawed but it was a democracy nevertheless. It’s now a full authoritarian regime and you’ll get to realize what you’ve lost soon enough.
Nothing I wasn’t already losing through the systemic oppression that is the capitalist system and a hierarchical State that exists to maintains it.
What? I’m gonna be poor and marginalized under a different system? Okay. Changes nothing for me. I’m still poor and struggling to maintain housing and eat a proper meal every day.
The only people losing anything are the middle class who still think that the system isn’t already exploiting them and fail to understand that what is happening is the inevitable conclusion to the society we built.
This is so god damn egocentric, I hope you’re not more than 14. Tell me you’re a privilege ass without telling me you’re a privilege ass.
You will loose nothing? Good for you because:
- Trans people lost the right to exist.
- Indigenous people have been made invisible again
- Immigrants are deported into camps
- Women lost control over their own bodies
- Minorities lost their rights
- Groenland lost it’s security
- Canada has it independence theaten.
- The pollution level will rise 10x faster all over the world.
- 1000x more examples like this
That’s not even 1 month in. You want to play the victim, just wait to see when you’ll become one for real.
Yes capitalism is cruel and unfair system. But the US just blew up any chance they had to ever replace it by something better or simply to make it a little less unfair. Your country will be rule by fascist dictators for decades because of childish, selfish little people like you who are incapable of intellectual nuance.
Harris actually got more votes than Biden in most of the key swing states. Can we stop this narrative of blaming anyone other than the tens of millions that actually picked Trump?
Nope. Because I do blame the third party / uncommitted crowd for sowing division, doubt, and getting in the way. We were in a burning building, and those groups were blocking the fire exits.
You’re a sucker, blame anyone except the billionaires who have bought democrats and repubs alike to get us here. If you can look at the fact that we produce enough to feed 10 billion people yet people still starve, or that there is £36 TRILLION in offshore tax havens as of 2016 but can’t afford basic needs for people, but it’s people who voted against genocide is the problem?
The stick was actually running a soft right democrat to combat a far right candidate, the gag is blaming voters.
Got one
Got one what? I voted.
The stick was not seeing (or even acknowledging the existence of) the bigger picture.
Well, the bigger picture in my comment is that the Democratic party will rip their nose off if it means not running a progressive candidate willing to stand firm in their progressive stances, and that choice between a soft right candidate and a far right candidate is like choosing between a piece of chocolate or the whole bar. What bigger picture are you referring to?
[Gestures vaguely at goddamned everything] for starters.
She might not give us all ponies and blowjobs, but literally none of this dystopian nightmare would be happening under Harris.
Sure. But that’s not going to change the fact that she fucking lost because she was a terrible candidate for Trump and ran a Republican campaign. The voters are not responsible when both parties coronate their candidate in back rooms.
Yes the voters are responsible!
It’s called making the most intelligent choice, seeing the bigger picture, and doing harm reduction. I am beyond sick of the blame shifting being done to justify people not taking this election seriously .
The threat of Trump 2.0 was apparent and not even remotely a secret. if people didn’t see that or take that seriously, it is their fault.
Voters carry blame, but that does not make them responsible. The responsibility lies with the political parties.
Oh my God shut the fuck up unless fewer people voted Dem in swing states… which they didn’t. Stop refusing to address your addiction to moderation.
The average age of an empire is 250 years, now were going to find out what’s going to replace it.
Well, not some of us I’m sure.
The Forever Purge™
Dude losses an election and it’s instantly “everybody I don’t like is Hitler” combined with the end of democracy as we know it lmao 🤣
And then you wonder why people don’t take you guys seriously outside of your echo chamber.
So you’re just ignoring everything that is happening and just laughing at stuff you don’t understand?
Unfortunately, uninformed people like you are the loudest and most active, so you will bring us all down. Enjoy your superiority complex while you still can.
Surely doubling down is the correct rhetorical move here.
They still don’t understand why they lost.
The stunlock is real.
The dude gas room temp IQ, what else should be said?
Maybe y’all will realize why you lost the election when JD Vance becomes the next president
Remember, if downvotes were real votes, Kamala would have won
Who is “you”? I wasnt running.
They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done. Mental institutions. Prisons all over the world. Not just from South America. Not just the three or four countries that we think about. But all over the world they’re coming into our country — from Africa, from Asia, all over the world
I want to be a dictator for one day
I didn’t want to have people ripping down and burning our shopping centers and killing people. But we’re not taking ’em from infested countries
I don’t know if you call them ‘people.’ In some cases they’re not people, in my opinion,”
But I’m not allowed to say that because the radical left says that’s a terrible thing to say …. These are bad — these are animals.
The Democrats say please don’t call them animals, they’re humans. I said no, they’re not humans, they’re animals. … I’ll use the word animal, because that’s what they are
If I don’t get elected, it’s going to be … a bloodbath for the country
We will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country. … The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within
I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution
A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.
There’s nobody that’s better, smarter or a better leader than Viktor Orbán. He’s a non-controversial figure because he says, ‘This is the way it’s going to be,’ and that’s the end of it. Right? He’s the boss.
You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians
Im guessing Shardik doesn’t know that dehumanizing a target group is a hallmark of Nazism.
It’s probably a troll. I don’t give a shit what they think. But I can at least at context.
So the democrats are Nazis?
Nice whataboutism. Jokes on you, I think they’re all varying degrees of terrible 🤪