It’s depressingly ironic that the people who love to shout about ‘American freedom’ are the ones who voted it away. Nationalism prevents them from seeing the US working class oppression when compared to developed nations.
This is how liberty dies: to thunderous applause.,
They tend to be less educated. To them, the word means power.
2002: patriot act
…bin laden won…
This is a great use of this meme.
It will also play out exactly like the szene. Sauron might overpower us first with sanctions.
But we europeans, have few things they dont have! We are extremly resilliant and strong willed And we got
pipeweed well many of us do
It’s not only us. It’s happening everywhere, it’s happening where you live, reader. We’re just fuhrer along the path than you are. Turn back while there’s still time.
It seems that crabs are to evolution what naziism is to capitalism
Many of us are just regular filthy hobbitses, surrounded by idiots wearing Sauron hats.
And by “idiots” I mean “people easily swayed by corporate media”. It’s happening all over the world now - look at India. Hell, sweet little New Zealand has a Sauron-backed government now. And then there’s Germany.
I am truly worried about the situation in Germany, I hope really that some of those who were deceived by AfD have seen Vance’s gross play this week and they have noticed, I do not know how the polls are right now but I really hope that all this have moved them against AfD
Germany (politicly) and Ukraine (militarily) call for aid!
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