Bernie is getting thousands of GOP voters at his anti-Oligarchy stops. It’s not a hint, it’s a fucking massive revolt in their base.
There’s a lot of Republican/Trump voters that just want politicians who at least sound like they want to represent them and “fix the government.” Do that and they’ll vote for you.
Democrats since Obama have failed to convincingly do that simple thing.
Meanwhile, Republicans lie that they’ll help them and get elected. They inevitably don’t help them and blame liberals/immigrants/trans etc.
If enough Democrats would follow Bernie’s lead, they would win, handily.
Exactly and frankly it is time to primary the corporate Democrats who do nothing, the corporations showed us they are actually for what trump does. We need more people like Bernie, like AOC, like Warren, people that actually want things to improve for average people.
Also we need more younger people who would fight
Fuck Warren. She had her chance to help Sanders on two separate occasions and she chose not to. She’s just better at paying lip service than the other Democrats.
In red districts, primary the Republicans for twice the effectiveness. Let’s be real the GOP is where the power is anyway. Kick the corporations out of the GOP and make them deal with being represented by weak democrats for a change.
The bigger problem is the latter of your comment. Republicans have no issues with lying about everything, and promising undeliverable things. It’s unconscionable, but they know these people never leave their lesson and continue voting against their own interests as long as they can concoct this fascist “US v Them” narrative.
Democrats have been there out spouting the truth of the situation, but that’s not enough. They need demonstrable proof to illustrate their points, and this is that. If there isn’t a massive shift in voters because of this fucking mess, nothing is going to do it. Sanders and AOC are on the right track, and we need more of that. Go to where they are and talk to them. Illustrate the points and what is going to happen if they don’t switch their votes.
Exactly. In order to promise to “fix the government” you need to lie to them and claim the government is broken, first. That’s where liars have a leg up.
A lot of people here are developers or tech adjacent so I’ll offer this strained analogy: this “the government is broken” narrative is tantamount to an intern hot off their Learning NodeJS course coming in and telling everyone that their complex production systems are trash and need to be completely rebuilt. That intern doesn’t have any of the context, experience, or knowledge to make that determination and often creates conflicts within the team instead of just looking forward to the next iteration for improvement. Meanwhile, the professionals have to keep cleaning up their mess.
Elon Musk is this intern. Boebert, MTG, Tuberville, etc, are this intern. The GOP has been promoting and encouraging these interns and has since Reagan.
Can the government be improved? Absolutely. Should the interns be doing it? No.
Exactly. In order to promise to “fix the government” you need to lie to them and claim the government is broken, first. That’s where liars have a leg up.
Well, there are some broken parts of the government thst do need fixing. The courts don’t have a way to enforce rulings. Laws that limit executive overreach don’t have an enforcement mechanism. Too much power is concentrated in the oval office.
It is broken, but not because of spending or any of the stuff Republicans claim to be broken. It is broken because it allows for their shenanigans.
Dems could have run on fixing the actual flaws in the system that are allowing this coup, but they chose to appeal to moderates instead. In the future they could run on fixing the flaws, but would need to follow through when they have the ability.
Dems could have run on fixing the actual flaws in the system that are allowing this coup
It would have accomplished exactly nothing if they did. Voters aren’t interested in “fixing the system”. It would have come off as Democrats caring about nothing but “making power grabs” while ignoring kitchen table concerns such as the price of groceries. It would have come off as Democrats being more disconnected from the needs of everyday voters than they already are.
Harris, or whoever the dem nominiee would have been, would have been focusing on “fixing the system” while Trump just made all the same empty promises about “bringing down the price of eggs on day one”, and he would have won by an even wider margin. Your average voter gives exactly zero shits about how things work in DC and what does and doesn’t need to be fixed.
It would have come off as Democrats making nothing but “making power grabs”
Even if it didn’t have that outward appearance, the liars would have lied to ensure that was the message.
Here’s an example of this with Democrats trying to improve access to voting:
Rep. Barr Denounces House Democrats’ H.R. 1, “The Election Power Grab Act”
Here’s Democrats trying to fix the courts:
“Liberals are furious that [the Supreme Court] is abiding by the Constitution,” said Oklahoma Senator Markwayne Mullin, branding court reform efforts as “a toxic power grab” chipping away at the constitutional separation of powers.
Here’s the Democrats trying to give people in DC access to representation:
Republicans warned the Democrats’ bill is an unconstitutional power grab that will result in the District receiving greater benefits than citizens of any other state
This isn’t hypothetical partisan complaining… the past is littered with examples of Democrats attempting to do the very things that people complain they aren’t doing – with Republicans whipping up lies to feed the electorate undermining those efforts.
Democrats try to win debates. Republicans try to win power.
Democrats have been there out spouting the truth of the situation, but that’s not enough.
What truth? Anti-oligarchy rhetoric in the Democratic party outside the narrow progressive bloc is basically a rounding error, and “everything is fiiiine” is definitely not the truth. Republicans are lying pieces of shit, sure, but the DNC habitually lies too and their lies fucking suck to boot.
I suspect amongst other things, this is probably a major reason Bernie is doing this tour—to demonstrate how a sane and worker-forward progressive populist message brings in a strong coalition of voters, even in states that the democrats write off as deplorable. I’m skeptical that it will change their minds, but it’s once again a reminder that continuing to shill a neo-liberal status quo message is a losing game.
If enough Democrats would follow Bernie’s lead, they would win, handily.
“Best we can do is blackball Bernie while also plagiarizing his platform.”
I feel like AOC as president, and Bernie as VP would be so transformative… But Bernie isn’t getting any younger. Ideally, he’d have won instead of Hillary years ago…
bernie is the only one that could rally R supporters, myabe the more moderate ones, that none of the dems could.
Pete Buttigieg was the only guy in the Biden admin going on Fox News and decimating then with facts. We need more of that.
the DNC at large, election strategy, is “hoping enough people get mad enough at REPUBLICANS just elect some of us, doesnt need to be all the positions, or even the presidency.” iit doesnt look like its working anymore, since the gop/billionaires figured out the DEMS are doing that, so they went hard into bigotry, which is what thier supporters like, and it works, because r voters(maga ones) are total idiots and wouldnt look further in thier policy and the gop is probably thinking,it cant be this easy.
thats why the DNC does the bare minimum.
During the 2016 run Trump was recorded saying that Bernie was the only thing he was afraid of. Even he knew Bernie could win.
Bernie may just be the hero of our timeline. He’s still full of piss and vinegar. Bruh should have been Prez.
Right up until Election Day when they pull a Susan Collins
Literally doesn’t matter if they don’t turn up and vote. Just sayin’
Who did you vote for?
Call you democratic senator and ask them why this doesn’t count as doing something and why aren’t they doing this
They certainly need to be told where the hell they should visiting to some extent. The issue is that they are largely not well known in other GOP strongholds. AOC and Bernie have the recognition and credentials, but others need to fucking step it up.
Is there an article or source for this? I love Bernie, but I haven’t seen much good news.
Literally returns on every search engine.
Look up his anti-oligarchy tour. It’s a thing. That said, this doesn’t really qualify as good news, because MAGA people liking progressive policy and the Bernie-Trump pipeline aren’t news in any sense of the word.
I hope so. Maybe they’re waking up because it’s hurting them?
Please. These are the Democrats in these ridiculously-gerrymandered districts with all MAGA election boards who are out for some scalps.
If there was a MAGA revolt one month into the hell they could not fucking wait for, I’m Elmo fucking Munsk.
You apparently don’t read the news then.
More or less true. Who’s saying its a republican revolt?
The polls and the people who voted for Trump.
. . . what, all of them?
Don’t be glib. It’s not becoming.
But this is exactly the kind of wishful thinking headlines they ran during the first junta. There was the Women’s March which was wonderful and then . . . nothing.
Do I believe this? I do not. I believe the people who didn’t like him before are turning up to these events. Why would happy Republicans come? They’re washing in lib tears, enjoying seeing what they always wanted realized.
That shit is what they’re posting on Facebook. That’s what they’re thinking.
There’s a lot of different people who vote for Trump.
In blue states, to like Trump you probably need to be drinking the kool aid to some degree. But in red states, there’s a lot of low-info voters who are just voting how their friends and relatives votes. Until it affects them.
It’s prob a Russian sponsored account. Telling you , decapitate Russia and all this shit crawls back under a rock.
Which would be more impactful? Trump losing Putin or Putin losing Trump? Both are running a few inches ahead of a steamroller and any major breakdown of their grand plan is likely to trigger their collapse.
Maybe the original, but the guy who posted it is a friend of mine. Insane friend, but a friend.
decapitate Russia
We can’t. The party in control, and virtually all their constituents, are cucked by Russia.
“Two things can be true at the same time.”
Even if people can’t agree on who’s lying about what, we can definitely agree that there’s one and only one sitting president on our lifetime who has called himself a king.
They love it though. They called him “God-Emperor” over at The Donald.
I’ve been calling him “God-King” for years … ironically, to shed light on the cult nature of MAGA …
I do not like this timeline.
Lied about Epstein? What?
They’re all wrong, but that one is so crazy.
Killing himself, presumably.
I always figured it would be Trump catching a bullet, but you know what, It’s going to be a rep at a local event. Trump only loves Trump. He’s been like this for 70+ years. However you didn’t expect your reps to just go along with this craziness. Like we all agreed in the 70s that the Russian government was shit. Now we have half of the U.S. government just taking it from Russia.
Trump is well-protected compared to the lower-echelon fascists. Anyone seeking to create propaganda of the deed will probably look for a softer target and a bigger attack surface.
I’m old enough to be very, very tired of waiting for conservatives to realize they were dumb after the fact.
It’s getting old.
And here’s the thing I can say with certainty because this is a reoccurring thing. They aren’t going to learn from this experience. Assuming we can still vote in 4 years, we’ll slingshot back to Democrat leadership, but after that conservatives will be right back where they are now. Ready and willing to vote for the next grifting authoritarian.
I’ll believe this backlash matters when Republicans in Congress start doing the simple things to ensure that President Musk and First Lady Trump abide by the law. Until then, I will assume every Republican is 100% on board with screwing their constituents.
I’ll believe in the backlash if Dems sweep the 2026 elections.
We cannot wait to stop the traitors.
I’ll believe elections still matter if they don’t get the Court to throw out the results.
Would be nice if the Democrat politicians could pull their proverbial fingers out and start soaking up en masse. Seems like right now only a few have really stepped up. This is their chance to redefine themselves to be useful activists.
Failing that, a new and very vocal movement/party to actively oppose the GOP needs to emerge. (Though I am fully aware of how difficult it is for new party’s to emerge in the American political system.)
They’re waiting to see if it stops without them doing anything. That’s the best scenario for them.
Rather than just waiting for it to happen, we can put the pressure to make it happen. Groups like Indivisible are putting pressure on Dems to step up more and Republicans to step up at all
They pressure is starting to change dem’s actions. They have started using more aggressively using some procedural tools to slow down senate confirmations (can’t fully block without republican votes). For instance, they denied unanimous consent and held the floor for the 30 hours against Russel Vought (and I believe RFK too)
I’m sure that they really care about anyone’s feelings now that they’ve been elected
Here a video of one this weekend. Yucca Valley is a city where you’ll see Trump flags often.
Any non tik tok source?
There’s a reddit link too but I think it’s the same video.
Please send I don’t have tiktok and the video doesn’t let me llay without the app.