“Ignore the corpses and human misery, look at these made up numbers” is old hat for them at this point
Why are you reading this when you should be reading The State and Revolution?
All in all is all we are.
“Ignore the corpses and human misery, look at these made up numbers” is old hat for them at this point
Gorbachev legitimately deserves to be remembered as one of the great villains of the 20th century.
Will check out Collapse.
If I had to pick just a couple, then Twin Peaks and The Prisoner. Both have interesting styles, both keep you asking questions rather than spoonfeeding answers, both were ahead of their time.
Batman: TAS was and is dope. The entire DCAU is the best adaptation of comic books to date. There’s a reason Alan Moore was happy to give his approval to For the Man Who Has Everything.
Shout out to Dwayne McDuffie too. Passed too soon.
Bob Barker ran me over, and when I cried out for help, he backed over me, shouting “Mess with the Barker and you’ll get bit, baby!”
Lol, the first source he cites in these is wikipedia, then perhaps one book. For some of them, the only source is wikipedia.
Not beating the allegations with this one, champ (that’s short for champion)
“Pay no attention to the colonialism behind the curtain!”
The Baron was a lot more fun in Lynch’s Dune as well.
Piccolo gang represent
Also my choice for best character. Watching him develop from enemy, to rival, to friend, to eventually mentoring and becoming a second dad to Gohan was great.
And yeah, it’s a shame that he eventually becomes fairly irrelevant as the story goes on (like most of the non-saiyan fighters)
It’s funny. When I was much younger, I disdained DB and preferred DBZ because it was more “serious” or something. Now I find DB, with it’s focus on adventures over fights and relatively lower stakes, to be far more entertaining. It’s also generally much funnier.
Goku from DB is a great choice btw.
I do wonder how the question was posed. I don’t think many people would openly admit to supporting fascism, but if you broke the question down into certain policy choices I feel like the number would skew higher. But that could just be me.
You can do the same thing with communism. A lot of people like the policies, but shy away when you attach the word “communism” to it thanks to decades of indoctrination.
Should be “going to a music festival outside a concentration camp”
Janet Yelling about some bullshit again, more like.
You are deranged.
You can call on her to sanction Israel as president
I mean, you could certainly try. It wouldn’t work at all, but you could definitely try.
I’m pretty much always some kind of wasted. I suspect we’re fairly similar wrt addiction based on what you’ve said.
And yeah, it’s pretty much destroyed my life and cost me most of my relationships outside of my immediate family. It’s cost me jobs, career opportunities. It’s wrecked my health, physically and mentally.
Mad respect to you for quitting, but I can’t do it. I’m too committed at this point. Plus, I think you need hope for it to really stick, and all my experience of life tells me that things get worse until you eventually die, usually miserably.
Best of luck to you.
Life is a lot easier sober.
This is an absolute lie and I refuse to believe otherwise (because I don’t want to quit)
Thanks for explaining. So like this?
The leaders of Western society have been corrupt assholes since day one, and the whole miserable project keeps trundling along anyway.