I was going to ask for the alternative. Using fun bucks I don’t have?
I was going to ask for the alternative. Using fun bucks I don’t have?
You wouldn’t make it on the grad
Oh my God the military is just having a week of it.
Yep and then a helpful programmer from the North Korean army offers to take it off his hands.
I like his idea of selling cheap weapons to the Pentagon.
GodPod is pretty based
I keep reading it as “US war on Ukraine”
Hades 2 has made me realize that I’m not good at Rogue-lite games. I finished the original Far Cry (meh). I intend to play far cry 4 and maybe 5.
Holy shit that was some epic wiki-cope from our good friends at
Sometimes old people turn into baby children and have a meltdown over seemingly nothing (they’re usually having a flashback to some similar moments in their own childhood that were responded to with violence)
I guess it’s like voting Biden or Trump. Either way, you die
You can’t swim away from a plane crash
I find myself repeatedly asking “What in bourgeoi society convinced me air travel was safe or enjoyable?”
I know, but I can fantasize.
We all know what DPRK rightfully should be lobbing over to their neighbor
FarCry 2 is a habit of mine because I love the early 2000s war-torn Africa setting. All the enemies are racists, conscripts or mercenaries and the guns rust and fall apart. It does have an unfortunate contingent of Rhodesia/Apartheid fetishists.
I get looks like I’m out of my fucking mind when I “joke” about it
Critical support for Comrade Trump