LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]

I want Communism to happen so everyone can have a good time.

  • 14 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2021


  • Off the top, excellent poster choice. I think if you’re trying to self-improve you can’t have hate in your heart. Not hate for yourself, nor hate for yourself. I dig it.

    This has been a good week. Good workouts, good readings, good programming. I also opened up my sketch book and drew a stick figure and landscape to plot out how I want to “dream game” to look. It looks bad and terrible but it looks better than nothing. Something is always better than nothing.

    I also did a volunteer session at local church doing a meals for the community. Just helped setup tables, and stuff. I talked to people, good souls the bunch of them.

    I’m happy with how last week went and I hope to roll that into next week.

  • I think this show stands out more than it normally would at the moment because 99.9% of current TV is absolute dogshit. It’s not high art but it’s made with attention to detail, effective use of style and a coherent sensibility that’s not just “here’s more slop.”

    I think in general the coming age of post whatever this current slop insanity is, the key to good art both mainstream and indie is just noticeably giving a damn about your art. I think we are going to see a time when art/artists at least look like they are trying they are going to get credit for it. Which a bit of shame to me in the larger sense as I think we always try and give a shit about what we make, but I think we are going to see a return to strong fundamentals

  • If you asked 100 computer science majors why they chose CS they would all tell you it’s for the money.

    For real! I remember when I got my undergrad in CS I thought there would be a maybe a 50/50 split between dorks and check-chasers but it was more like 20/80. That was 10 years ago, I can only imagine it’s 1/99 these days. I’m sure there are some real turbo-nerds who want to make magic with the computer, but it’s like you said too much money on the table to NOT be a code-goblin for some MEGACORP.

  • Two things

    1.) Just from those two still images it looks like director said “What if we tried to make it look like it was a AI developed commercial, but with humans.” I can’t quite articulate how/why but it looks like a human trying to make what they think a Generative AI tool would make if you said “Make a Carls Jr commercial with a hot babe in it”.

    2.) Carl’s Jr. has and always will be D-tier. Not once have i heard anyone say “Let’s go get Carl’s Jr”. It’s always “not there not much around, I guess there’s a Carl’s Jr. here?”

  • We must always ball. To be a leftist we gotta ball. Even when it’s rough, niko-dunk

    I did see that! I don’t think I’m gonna snag it though. I’m trying to focus on using the tools/assets i have right now. Part of me feels like my self-improvement must come from that which I already possess. I don’t mean this in a bad way, but I don’t think I need another “thing”, rather I need to use the “thing” I already got and use it fully. So many of the “things” i have I haven’t even used and self-improvement to me means that I take a proper inventory of my “things” and utilize and create from that.

    For example, I don’t need to another book, I got a library at home of unread books, I don’t need to download/check-out/buy a new one, I need to make a habit of reading what I already have. So many of these books were purchases from that mindset of “Oh I gotta read this one I have a chance”, and rather than getting another book, I need to take action and create space to read.

    I hope that makes sense in the moral/self-improvement mindset sense, I guess I’m trying to say I don’t need to add anything to myself right now, I need cultivate which is ready there I guess.

  • I think about this often. I’m no economics big-brain but I would imagine if student loan jubilee (hell, even an “easing” on student loans) occurred, but it would really free up an entire generation of workers to do stuff. Move out their parents house, start families, buy a house, maybe start a business, maybe not be so depressed, all that sort of stuff. I understand why they don’t do it, but every time they conjure a gazillion dollars of aid to whatever client state or MEGACORP it just makes me so made they can’t spend a fraction of that on student loans. Education in America is so borked, which sucks as I believe education is actually cool and good. However we have just made education carnival of nightmares.