A human on earth. Ask me about weird tech. Bonus points if it radiates.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2024


  • Thanks. I only heard about Delft from a woman studying there, and didn’t hear any complaints. I guess PhD students cannot run as easily, so they get the short end :(

    Actually, I was loosely considering applying there, this made sure I won’t. That stuff needs to be made more public, so that their reputation noticeably suffers. Only then will people care to enact change.

  • The people behind the current events aren’t conservative. They don’t try to conserve. They try to destroy, uproot, and drag us back. They are reactionaries, everything-was-better-in-the-50s daydreamers, and neoliberal oligarchs. They do not care about conserving moral values, otherwise they wouldn’t have voted a criminal into office. Conservative is a word they are hiding behind, like a marketing slogan. Like how fascists figured out that calling themselves patriots makes them acceptable.

    I do not think that conservative = bad. In fact, I myself believe that with many issues, it might be better to wait for the dust to settle a bit, and to not jump on every hype train. I would even go as far as saying I am a patriot, if that word wasn’t dragged through the mud by mouth-breathing, racist neo-fascists.

    Those people do not deserve to be called conservative. Call them reactionaries or oligarchs. Because that is what they are.

  • I just dislike suffering without a cause. That might be more my personal view on things, though.

    If I am going to suffer, then I want it to be for a reason. Like doing a fulfilling job well, or working out to feel better. Otherwise I could just punch myself in the nuts and meditate on my aching crotch.

    On a side note, I don’t seem to feel hunger as strongly as other people. I mostly get tired, while other people tend to get agitated / pissed off. Maybe I should try fasting for a while just to find out how I react. But, then it would be for a cause again…

  • They are not, which is why they charge them upfront. But people with a residence permit or citizenship are much more likely to stay long-term.

    I have no strong opinion whether that is the right choice, tbh. I see it at my Uni, a lot of foreign students study here and the majority then leaves the country again. Which is fair, but the idea of tax-funded education is, well, it’s tax-funded, so I am more or less directly paying for their education. Is that good/bad/worth it or not? I’m not sure.

    Also, I feel like the majority of foreign students that come here just for a degree are already from wealthy backgrounds. I know I’m on dangerous “feelings, not facts” territory, but I get a lot of “rich kid who didn’t get into a good uni in their home country” vibes. The poorer foreign students are usually super smart and got in via a scholarship or the likes.