No, unfortunately Trump is destroying major parts of how America works. But take action, believe in the cause. Patience will be a must, to restore america after all of this. If you allow yourself to feel defeated, the “flooding of the zone” has won. The other side, whatever you choose to call them, has won long time ago.
It’ll be a battle. But a battle for the American people, not the French. In the meantime, there are things to do to empower Europe’s defense, not to pick fights over the statue of liberty with America. You must have faith in yourself, in the people that what we do will make a difference
That’s why we have to take action. Not start a war, but take action.
I didn’t say “do nothing” while you wait
Wait 4 years. Be patient. He barely won and he mostly won due to people not voting.
Many people are under the influence that you shouldn’t act while you wait. I see why it looks like that’s what I am saying, but it is not. You must act. And believe in yourself that you can make a difference. You have to act and not be passive. BUT France does NOT need to pick silly battles with America over a statue. Focus on the right issue at hand
I can’t get it to work. It works for you?
Thanks ♥️
Would you mind hitting us with a direct link to tubular? This is one of the biggest hindrances to getting completely off google
Could this be an attempt to clean the proton name? I think it’s difficult to say anything when it comes from a source I know nothing about.
Tutamail has a calendar. Tutamail hasn’t said anything positive or factual about the republican parties either. They’ve made no statements
31% voted for him
30% voted for Harris
The rest didn’t vote or voted for something else. More people didn’t actually vote for him than those who did.
USA is not a democracy. For a democracy peoples votes count, not the electoral votes. Did you know a person can become president with only 27% of the votes?
Remember this key and Peele skit?
The problem is their system
The American people are waking up and it will be their fight. In the meantime Europe has their OWN issues. This is not the time to bicker over silly things.