The term you’re looking for is ‘Horizontal Conduct’ and it’s illegal. The hard part of course is making that claim against the team of lawyers that Google would be able to field.
The term you’re looking for is ‘Horizontal Conduct’ and it’s illegal. The hard part of course is making that claim against the team of lawyers that Google would be able to field.
It’s not as bad if you use separate chairs.
PRC has fewer people, regardless of it’s political structure.
We have the technology, but not the social skills. Most of America doesn’t know their next door neighbors, let alone their community. We have a lot of steps to go before direct democracy is the best solution.
Anyone can sign up to the party. He’s never been elected a Democrat though. And probably never will be.
Hopefully there’s more movement on our electoral system like the ranked choice voting in a few states. It doesn’t fix the problem, but it’s a large step in the right direction.\
The article did warn you it was Alabama. It could have been Arkansas, except they sold their boats for meth.