TechnoAnomie [he/him, any]

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 16th, 2024


  • Trump and Rubio are saying out loud what America is, dismantling the soft power quicker at the same time it is removing parts from the hard power having faith it’ll work better. True, adding new parts as well, but we knew that was already happening.

    If it doesn’t matter, then it doesn’t matter. If it scares MBS into quick reaction, and disgusts the likes of Baerbock into publicly opposing it, then it would seem like it matters a little. Either way, the US and the rest are not going to stop slaughtering, starving, and enslaving scores and scores of humans anytime soon, and certainly not willingly - any remotely humane opposition will keep being neutered, and the people will keep being tricked by exceptionalism brainworms.

  • As clansman in chief quickly realizes the instability of the status quo and goes for the genocide accelerator:

    You’re talking about probably a million and a half people. And we just clean out that whole thing. Over the centuries it’s had many, many conflicts, that site. And I don’t know, something has to happen.

    Some people were paying attention to the 1.5 million number. Out of 2.4 million 16 months ago.

    One a more hopeful note, if what I read is true, and the Arab regimes are not that stable, things could escalate very quickly if he tries to use the finesse he’s bringing to his mandate.