Trump and Rubio are saying out loud what America is, dismantling the soft power quicker at the same time it is removing parts from the hard power having faith it’ll work better. True, adding new parts as well, but we knew that was already happening.
If it doesn’t matter, then it doesn’t matter. If it scares MBS into quick reaction, and disgusts the likes of Baerbock into publicly opposing it, then it would seem like it matters a little. Either way, the US and the rest are not going to stop slaughtering, starving, and enslaving scores and scores of humans anytime soon, and certainly not willingly - any remotely humane opposition will keep being neutered, and the people will keep being tricked by exceptionalism brainworms.
He probably wants to have “AI” comb over every expense before accepting, which is obviously illegal, but also certain to break really really ancient digital systems that only an extremely few people are capable of understanding within a short (and probably medium) period of time. It cannot be overemphasized how much you can’t mess with payment systems; the best case is some ancient dudes getting millions out of mostly, maybe, fixing it.
The foreign policy of a slavery state, because that’s the jail they’ll probably be sent to.
Whatever it is, there’s no ceasing of fire. I believe that word doesn’t translate.
Might make it new hobby. So, it’s complicated: training, funding, and providing intelligence is not a partnership, because its a tactical decision, even if it has long term strategic implications. I ask whether that means America is incompetent and shouldn’t be trusted, and the page errors out reloads to a login page.
As clansman in chief quickly realizes the instability of the status quo and goes for the genocide accelerator:
You’re talking about probably a million and a half people. And we just clean out that whole thing. Over the centuries it’s had many, many conflicts, that site. And I don’t know, something has to happen.
Some people were paying attention to the 1.5 million number. Out of 2.4 million 16 months ago.
One a more hopeful note, if what I read is true, and the Arab regimes are not that stable, things could escalate very quickly if he tries to use the finesse he’s bringing to his mandate.
I’m sure no one is going to find the magical incantations for it to spew prescriptions for HRT and abortion-medication medication and then spread them on the internet.
I’ve seen it somewhere here that it can be a ruse (the usual one), so they the hostages and then complain it wasn’t followed for one reason or another. And, well, claiming a serious violation by soldiers being released instead of civilians is following the playbook. And so is claiming the return of one particular person they very well know they killed months ago (didn’t record the name, sorry).
And industrial investment would have to become more appealing than financial speculation, which it won’t, and then actual production would have to be more appealing than price speculation, which it won’t either.
If they aren’t uneasy at becoming weapon, energy and food dependent, they can chirp all they want.
Training was allegedly cheaper than any Meta management member earns, time for some real cost savings.
Sound like almost everyone in Portuguese media, except it doesn’t even have to be your field.
President Vance will be a spectacle.
Definitely going to Mars in 2025.
There are many individual soldier originating in multiple places on both sides, it doesn’t allow extrapolation.
“Well, actually, you forgot Poland”
I don’t know what the importance of the report is, but kind of funny in its naivete, from the complete absence of criticism to belief that the primacy would include some restraint.
Most Ukrainians understand the need for mobilisation, [drivel removed] 46% of respondents agreed that there was “no shame in evading military service”, while only 29% disagreed.
The liberal stage where words mean whatever we want them to mean, and facts don’t matter.
With starvation, thirst and disease, if it’s not already there, it’ll be hard not to.