bleepbloopbop [they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2021


  • the twitter post could be coincidence, I have no idea if that guy is a chapo head

    but if the same was posted here I would assume they heard it on chapo

    I don’t hate chapo but I’m glad we aren’t so focused on it anymore, its just not that interesting being like “oh that felix bit was hysterical”, “oh will’s trump impression is bad” multiple times a week for 5-10 years. I still listen when I feel like it, but its not my whole political universe, thank god

  • the headline thing in particular is funny because a lot (perhaps the majority) are coming on private carriers. Even the ones that are USPS-delivered are now often using middlemen logistics companies to get it into the US first and then hand off to USPS to avoid paying higher premiums for international shipping

    But if it’s immediately enforced on all carriers it will grind peoples online shopping treats (and essentials) to a halt which I can’t imagine will go over super well

  • people in this thread lol

    “wow it really was a scam that manufacturers removed the headphone jack from phones and essentially forced ppl to buy short-lived, inferior bluetooth models if they wanted headphones. That really sucks”

    “hey you must want a recommendation for yet another random pair of bluetooth headphones”

    The problem isnt the individual model of headphones, though some are certainly better than others, it’s the whole enchilada, manufacturers deciding en masse that wires are no more.

  • idk a wireless pair offhand but my sony wired headphones (mdr-v6/mdr-7506) have a metal bracket at that exact spot, and are such common, long-running products that you can actually buy spare parts when they break. Something to think about! I’ve had the same problem with earbuds, the 3 ft from pocket to ear is too much somehow

  • “bluetooth-only” not the mere concept of bluetooth. phones before 2016 could still do all the things you mention.

    also wifi is a pretty bad analogy tbh. not only is it not nearly as shitty and unreliable as bluetooth, but the typical use case is way different. listening to music from a device in your pocket or hand to speakers in your ears is pretty different from running ethernet around your house (and if even a small amount of effort is put in you could run ethernet around your house in such a way that it isn’t in the way, even if ugly. if anything the cost is more prohibitive than dealing with a bunch of cables)