The amount of animals killed by a modern farm tractor combine passing through is enormous. Its just that we don’t count “vermin” like that life. And most people who are vegan will never see it.
The amount of animals killed by a modern farm tractor combine passing through is enormous. Its just that we don’t count “vermin” like that life. And most people who are vegan will never see it.
So weird and obsessive to not only care about who might disagree with your comment, but to then seek to notify them demanding an explanation. Like I have to justify why I disagree or dont find any particular comment useful?
I diagreed because I am a gamer and I DO care about labor conditions in the industry. While I don’t work in it, I have many friends that do and they identify as gamers and do care. I dont like making gamers a monolith, nor do I agree with the assertion that the reason they were disliked was due to them cocering labor issues. Thats why I downvoted the comment. I dont expect you or the others to agree with me, obviously, but the idea that you’d try to get people to justify it is fucking weird.