@toothbrush so much drama and fragile prides hurt, are they finally gonna get back to coding?
Nº intento de bio porque se me dan mal las presentaciones.
Boosteo y comento más que publico.
Malagueño orgulloso :andalucia:
Me interesan el software libre y su filosofía aplicada a otros campos, el ecologismo, y a veces algo de anime, videojuegos, y crochet. :knitting: ♻️ :tux: :kde:
Odio las grandes compañías tecnológicas y me gustan los juegos de palabras. :googletrash: :windowstrash: :appletrash:
La accesibilidad es uno de los derechos humanos más esenciales y difíciles de proveer. Creo que todos tenemos la obligación moral de participar en esta.
A menos que te haya insultado explícitamente, es probable que me haya expresado mal y no quisiera ofenderte. A veces sueno más agresivo de lo que pretendía, me disculpo de antemano.
@toothbrush so much drama and fragile prides hurt, are they finally gonna get back to coding?
@deegeese @atomicpoet hi, this thread literally popped into my mastodon timeline. Only noticed this is not originally from mastodon because you mentioned it and because you don’t mention on replies by default. Hope it works as an answer for deeper integration
@thingsiplay so they are investing/donating to malware? Is that what they think they’re doing? It would be funny if that was the case, ngl
@zante yeah they’ve been on some kind of “LOOK AT ME I’M SO EDGY” rampage lately
@neme what the heck did I just read. Doesn’t Facebook depend on linux servers? This zuck guy is just banning shit for the sake of it at this point
@Shatur any laptop with a fairly recent amd GPU should be just fine honestly. Even if nvidia cards are slightly better, they can fuck up your whole desktop environment in a random update (among other errors on that line), so imo it’s not worth the trouble.
@bunitor @eldavi yeah, why? This just shows that, if more hardware companies actively supported linux, there would be no issues left for non-tech end users, which would be awesome.
Please buy laptops and desktops from tuxedo, system76, framework, etc, and recommend them. They’re doing a great job and do deserve the support.
@ShortN0te @0x0 I mean the real problem here is that MS office is a mess but somehow still standardized, so “enforcing standards” would be as easy as showing MS the middle finger and using libre office. They’d save a lot of money and time, it’s a clear win-win scenario imho
@Dave well that’s a shame. To be fair, the only time i tried so use it over wifi was on the 2ds, which was pretty slow. It worked only with low resolution, so just a cool experiment, not really practical.
That said yeah if you replace the laptop I’d focus on the best wifi card possible and leave the power to the server. I’m actually planning to switch an old laptop to an orange pi for this reason.
@Dave @deadbeef for the gaming part you don’t even need the second pc connected to the tv. I’ve been trying sunshine and moonlight (a server and client for game streaming) and it’s been running really great in the same network. The client can even run on an old nintendo 2ds, so your laptop should do more than fine to try, that way you’d only have a media and a gaming clients on the laptop, everything else to the server in another room.
I’m currently using a similar setup but with Jellyfin instead of kodi, working great for a few months.
@refalo oh I wasn’t picking sides, I meant that for everyone involved. Less fighting and more coding; most linux users don’t really care about language used as long as it works, and fast if it’s possible