How many people do you honestly think transfer data by cable? I haven’t done it in years, and I have friends with iphones that don’t even own a computer!
All photos I post are OC.
How many people do you honestly think transfer data by cable? I haven’t done it in years, and I have friends with iphones that don’t even own a computer!
I only dislike it in a “death by 1000 cuts” type of way where iOS already has a long list of things that make development more annoying.
Uhhh??? Based???
This argument keeps coming up and yet there has yet to be a single trans woman athlete who significantly out competes the completion. It’s always pointing to someone who like trains every day of their life and gets 7th place or some shit. Once it was even like 1000th place in a race (which have no genuine competition after, like, 10th place)
Not to mention we’re deep down the path of banning blockers in most places, and even if they remain legal in specific left leaning pockets, that just creates a group of people who lucked into not being banned from sports.
why did you remove the Grindr unionization post
I watch YouTube way too much to ever be satisfied by any form of subscription feed. On places like Twitter all I want is the feed of people I follow, but not so much on video platforms.
Not to mention the karma system on Reddit created some of its most annoying users. Would be terrible to bring it here.
Hudson River valley?
If we lived in a sane country all 4 major tech companies would have already been brought to court over this in like, 2016. (Microsoft for the second time…)
I agree with most of this comment however I do not think more than 40% of the democrats currently in congress would ever vote yes on a universal healthcare bill no matter how air tight. The senate definitely doesn’t help, but I’m not even sure about the house.
Also, couldn’t they bring back net neutrality via the FCC right now? Sure it could get overturned by the next republican majority, but make a public commitment to keep changing it back every time the dems are in power so it’s a waste for companies to try and entrench themselves in business models that rely on its death.
Regardless, this is why I want to move to California so badly. Basically the only state consistently fighting for its people these days.
So wild that 6/10 Americans want universal healthcare and yet it has almost zero support from the people actually in congress.
Friendliest European
I can’t even find the American one
I don’t use an android.
I do most of my watching on mobile and it’s not worth it to me to do the crazy workaround to not use the official app.
They emailed me thanking me for being a part of their journey for so long and as a gift they are delaying my rate going up by 3 months. Cool……
Internet archive? Likely. It has an archive of a large portion of the beginnings of the internet, which will likely be a major historical source in the future.
Wikipedia? I’m unsure. It’s a collection of information obtained via various sources, most of which would still be extant. Not to put down the work of their project, it is very important. But it’s not impossible to replace like the way back machine.
It’s also nice to zap annoying parts of pages like proton mail begging for money and Twitter’s more annoying buttons. However, I still find adguard to work worse than ublock.
I like it, but I’m mad they backed out of the redesign a few years ago, and I hate that it doesn’t support true ad blockers. The modern web is near unusable with the current ad count.
Samsung doesn’t support USB 3 on several of their higher priced phones, either.