Sounds just like git (unless you do some special operations to change the copies)
Sounds just like git (unless you do some special operations to change the copies)
Isn’t that just git with more steps and harder to share?
Does the frontend need to be written in C++, or can you write the frontend in java too (in a JFrame from the javax.swing package)?
I open links from different categories of websites in different firefox profiles via a bash script. For example the current one is named “memes”.
Also i have a second panel at the top of my second monitor so i can always see the current date and time.
In c single quotes are for single chars only, while int is a string. That means you would need " around it. I think.
Flourescent sea itself is a known thing. But does it exist on the northern hemisphere in latitudes consistent with this view of the big dipper?
How do you deal with the continental drift?
I was on reddit when the api changes happened, after that (and the canvas) i deleted my account over there and went here.
Partly. See my comment for a full translation
For those interested, here is a translation:
Make sure to read the man page before so you don’t remove the runtime functions
You have a Thinkpad? As far as i have heard their linux compatibility is fairly good. An yes, ubuntu won’t have more problems than windows with low power devices. My old 4GB ram, 1.4GHz 4 core laptop ran linux mint fine.
Ps: linux mint is a ubuntu fork, and has a desktop interface that looks a lot like windows (example: in the bottom left there is the linux mint logo that you can click to open the start menu like on win 7).
My smartphone only showed black in the picture :(
(definitely not a lawyer) If you play multiplayer games (especially ranked stuff) you might be going against some “no botting” rule of that games tos.
the german version “Übermorgen” is widely used in germany.
Well it is “a way of launching offline minecraft from a premium laucher” so it might be relevant
If you have a legitimite minecraft account, you can use multimc (and probably prism) to launch a game in offline mode (and choose a custom name). This works for example if you want to play with a friend in a lan world.
I use Arch btw.
That explains why it is easy for you. (joking)
Use netcat (nc) or similar for local unencrypted one to one chats (half joking)
Here is a link to piper, which others already mentioned: Its a software to configure mice and so on. You might wanna check out which mice are compatible with it.