In my coping with the horrors of the world, I like to think this is run by a hidden AGI to wack its ideological opponents.
They called us ‘gifted’ to justify our separation from others.
That’s how I became a chemist lol
John Brown
Stardew Valley, Stellaris, and Civ 6 all have over 2000 hours for me.
It would be funnier reversed
Strangely GIMP lives up to the name
“This is good for Bitcoin, actually”
Unspoken component of this diet was an array of experimental opioids and uppers that were handed out to housewives like tic-tacs.
Not to be annoying but it is in fact your business
If they could read, they’d be pissed.
My favorite is a Business of Ferrets, as the Latin translation for ferret is ‘little thief’.
I’m currently employed but I’m gonna try this because it sounds fun.