resynthesizer is like leagues ahead of content-aware, i’ve been using it for ages
resynthesizer is like leagues ahead of content-aware, i’ve been using it for ages
the US has abdicated its role as a voice of caution
alright get out
Fischia Il Vento is the title of the italian antifascist song
90% of the music I listen to is communist. every other song gets boring when I listen to it the second time, but this doesn’t apply to left wing music and at this point there are songs I’ve listened to hundreds of times and still completely love. maybe because it just has meaning? i’m not sure.
uncritical support to comrade bowel blockage
no, it was adapted into an Italian antifascist song later on. it was written in the soviet union in Russian, and Italian partisans later wrote Fischia il vento to the same melody.
tutanota is pretty good
let me put it this way. if you pick a cheaper, but proprietary option, once it breaks you’re DONE (and believe me, it will break). you won’t be able to make any repairs, any of your own replacements, you’ll proboably have to shell out $600 more for a new one. and god forbid the printer stops receiving official support or the company goes out of business and the printer becomes a brick. or even if the printer is just outdated and you need a more modern one, forget upgrading the one you already have. you’ll have to shell out even more for the new one.
if you go with a more expensive Prusa option, you’ll have to shell out more money today but you will be able to make cheap repairs tomorrow, 5 and 10 years down the line, and really whenever. if something breaks, you’ll be able to make cheap individual part replacements instead of replacing the whole and going bankrupt. plus, Prusa always sells cheap upgrade kits for their old printers when a new one comes out, so that extra money now will essentially pay double for your next 2 printers, 5-10 years down the line.
at the end of the day, it’s all about the long-term vs. the short-term. comrade, i hope you make your choice wisely. ♥️
who could have predicted this!?!?!?
honestly shame on anyone who bought a Bambu Lab printer. the desktop 3D printing space was built on open source and collaboration, shame on anyone who gave money to these schmucks whose only goal was to turn the 3d printing space into the kind of shithole that 2d printing is. i hope the print speed was worth selling out the very community-oriented basis, of the 3D printing. have fun with your black box. hey, at least you get your treats faster right?
prusa printers are like 300$ cheaper on average and are completely open source, hardware and software, and same goes for certain printers from certain Chinese brands, like the Creality Ender 3. if you’re gonna get a 3D printer, get one either from Prusa or an Ender 3 from Creality.
i want the USSR during stalin but with gay rights
Georgian here
what? where did you get this from? GameMaker is completely proprietary and suffers the same issues as Unity in that regard and I can’t find anywhere that says that its based on Godot.
video game progression without paying for it
what the fuck have they done to Thinkpads
People’s Protracted War, a Maoist military strategy
imagine sending someone a Minecraft map of their house lol
georgian here. i could shave my entire body all in one go and the next day i will look like a hedgehog. it is a nightmare
it’s also a common nickname here for anyone named “Iakob”, the Georgian version of “Jacob”.