Congratulations to the comrades in the sahel
Congratulations to the comrades in the sahel
It would be funny if the capitalists committed suicide and America collapsed. America’s collapse would be a net positive for the world’s people. All it has done since its birth is commit genocide, imperialism, and spread white supremacy to the point every group of people on earth has an inferiority complex to white people. Only through the collapse of the old world will a new world be born.
Hell end up in Cuba like all the rest
Gun boat diplomacy america is back baby
Lol lmao even.
Western media sucks I read the constitution its pretty good all things good.
Donald Trump enacted austerity on the FAA
At first I saw she was black and was oh no a lynching then I saw her job and was oh well anyways
The baltics are a speed bump I fully expect the Russian population in narva to straight up invite them into the city
He can’t do the children born in the us of illegals without a constitutional amendment.
Israel and Hezbollah are about to go at it again in around 6 days. This war isn’t over just because there’s an armistice on one front. Israel still hasn’t evacuated southern Lebanon, and Hezbollah will need to expel them.
Is your family Christian or Shia? Because I’ve heard the government has been going hard on them and some of them want to get the un to intervene.
Nigeria is basically the poster child for comprador economies right now, right up there with Kenya. The main reason they’re cozying up to the BRICS is their economic ties with China. The silver lining? They’re not being made full members. Kind of like how it’d be a disaster to give Turkey BRICS membership after they played ball with the U.S. to topple the Baath Party in Syria. That whole move wasn’t just to destabilize Syria but also to help Israel cut Hezbollah off from Iran—and then Turkey had the nerve to turn around and buddy up with Netanyahu. A mess all around.
So it’s instagram without the soft core porn of under age girls
Can you explain Nicaragua I saw Maduro said he would begin plans to switch to becoming a council republic but I haven’t seen anything about Nicaragua?
When people don’t want to buy expensive blood diamonds sourced from the Rwandans waging a war of looting in the eastern Congo
Is this a part of the attempted imf reforms
American SS but Hitler is his post 1944 self