Software Artificer, Object Orienter, Regular Expressionist, and Machine Herder at Unity.

Currently focuses include Go, Crystal, k8s, DevOps, Raspberry Pis/Alternatives, and Disc Golf

I speak Bulgarian, Russian, Japanese in various levels of fluency

I mostly play MMOs, but Steam Deck has let me ma

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • plenty of spec here and a draft to become web standard.

    It’s up to me to decide what is sufficient secure and private for me, I don’t have the same threat model as others. It’s the same bullshit line Firefox throws around.

    There is a reason why Firefox is constantly losing adoption. People want things to work.

    They can easily add it behind a flag until it’s ready, but those that need it can use it in it’s current form. I need it for keyboards and mice to be configurable on Linux. Many hardware manufacturers are starting to use it to make cross platform tools for their prepherial hardware. I’m not gonna wait for Firefox overlords to deem it “safe enough” by their whims. They don’t even have a framework for how to qualify something is safe. It’s just at the personal preferences of Mozilla devs.

    They have implemented plenty of things that were drafts, and posed just as many security or privacy issues.

  • I’ve been using Atomic stuff for a while. First Silverblue but now I use Bazzite Gnome.

    I actually use Nix ontop of it for dev tools and CLI tools that Flatpak doesn’t handle.

    I don’t like the toolbox style of doing things. Nor devbox, dev containers, nix shells, whatever. Too much hassle.

    But I do like using Nix + Home-manager to manage my home directory and tools, especially between computers as it’s all in a git repo and has separate configs.