G/O Media, an online media company that owns Gizmodo and Kotaku has announced that it will begin a “modest test” of AI content on its sites.

  • Colombo
    42 years ago

    Yet, there always has been a good journalism, either very quality reviews describing well the game in question, or very funny articles making fun of a game that is otherwise boring or bad.

    • ArugulaZ
      42 years ago

      I’m not saying the magazines of the time were totally devoid of good gaming coverage. Video Games and Computer Entertainment was a solid, substantial read… the layout was nothing special, but the writing was pure quality. Kind of helped that they were writing articles for adults and not edgy fourteen year olds, or nine year olds hopped up on sugar.

      • Colombo
        32 years ago

        Agree. And yet again, there was reason why gaming bloggers and YouTubers like TotalBiscuit got so much popular. Gaming Journalism crashed.

        I am not disagreeing with you, I grew up on Level and Score personally.