Just wondering what the consensus would be. Is it good and fine (if you like the taste, of course) because it is truly 100% vegan? Or would y’all consider it a horrifying simulacrum of a product of cruelty towards animals?

I am asking because I’m a vegan chef and I was excited to find out that they’re making animal-free “dairy” milk through bacterial/fungal fermentation, because plant based “milks” don’t really work the same as cow milk does. And theoretically if it has the right proteins/fats it could be used to make vegan cheese that has the actual properties of cheese? So like I think it’s very exciting personally. But I’d like to know what others think before I suggest we try to order some, since it’d be a waste if nobody actually wanted to eat anything made with it.

  • arbitrary
    33 months ago

    I’ve bought a couple pints of ice cream made from that in the past. Brand was Brave Robot and they used the precision fermentation whey from Perfect Day. It was really good. Not better enough than oat milk ice cream to justify the cost though.

    Iirc Perfect Day stopped trying to sell direct to consumers so they shut down brands like Brave Robot to sell directly to other businesses to use their whey.

    I know a couple companies are close to selling mozzarella made from it to the public and they plan on moving to other cheeses after that.

    I don’t like straight up cows milk but might give cheese made from it a shot. I’ve had a hard time making e.g. whipping cream from plant milks too especially since I don’t like a strong coconut flavor. Basically no ethical objections from me.