Chalcoscirtus diminutus is a species of jumping spider in the family Salticidae. It is found in the United States.
Wikipedia has more photos. Apparently it has no common name.
It is true that the eyes make them cute. Compare them to this guy who seems fit for a nightmare about death…
It’s the
poisonousvenomous brown recluse spider.See, I would cuddle that friendo, I find them extremely cute.
Which is why I’m afraid of brown recluses: I don’t trust that I could recognize one and I’m not afraid of spiders, so I’d be like “neat spider” and then my leg would slowly fall off over the course of a couple months. Terrifying.
I’d have to google but if it bit you - I assume the pain is pretty great. You’d know the spider was a nasty one.
Ninja edit
Wow, I was very wrong.
I’ve been using “ninja edit” a lot recently. Maybe I need to make fewer assumptions!