Still gonna keep this goings; people from before will be pinged.

Discussion questions:

What video games have you played recently?

What are your favorite video game genres?

Question of the week:

What did you like most from the recent TGA 2024, assuming you watched it or know of the announcements?


What did you enjoy most from the year 2024 in terms of gaming?

Well, a lot of bad news has happened politically IRL, but let’s make this thread a good one, and enjoy ourselves here!

  • PeeOnYou [he/him]
    23 months ago

    i really like Indika’s style, i haven’t had a game grip my attention like that in a very long time but I kept getting stuck in the chase thing with the beast and finally just gave up

      23 months ago

      I really do recommend you finish it. The game gets a lot more depressing after that and the ending really does hit you like a brick. Would recommend