No that was when he was having a bunch of hot takes about Barry that people kept telling him weren’t accurate and then revealed he hadn’t watched the show, but also never intended to but defended his right to hate on it anyway.
Booba waifu was funny to cuz he got pissed at me for joking about it, but I don’t think you can use a phrase like “booba waifu” in your discourse and expect people to take it super seriously.
UlyssesT is currently logged off again, so you should be safe for now.
I remember being incredibly confused when people kept talking about gamba and I kept imagining the shrimp.
i doxxed ulyssesT his name is luigi’s mansion
I want to believe
I believe I want
Oh mama mia!
Nah, Ulysses is like twice Luigi’s age.
That’s what he wants you to think, the misinformation campaign is working
deleted by creator
/r/Star citizen refunds or something
I have to say the whole Barry incident was pretty fucking funny
Is “the Barry incident” when he referred to Katherine Oppenheimer as "oppenheimers big booba waifu
" ?
No that was when he was having a bunch of hot takes about Barry that people kept telling him weren’t accurate and then revealed he hadn’t watched the show, but also never intended to but defended his right to hate on it anyway.
Booba waifu was funny to cuz he got pissed at me for joking about it, but I don’t think you can use a phrase like “booba waifu” in your discourse and expect people to take it super seriously.
I will forever hate on capeshit without having seen any of it
No I’m with you on that one
That’s different, capeshit isn’t cinema