A reactionary, capitalist, consumerist nightmare of a holiday for treat chasing kkkrackkers!

Under Communism we will re-edit “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” to end with the Grinch shoving that sled over the cliff before a crowd of crying Whos, and the Grinch will be declared a Hero of the People’s Republic!

We will replace Christmas with Halloween 2, the superior proletariat Holiday to the decadent bourgeois Christmas!

…sorry I work retail and this week has been utter hell. Fuck Christmas!

  • TheVelvetGentleman [he/him]
    303 months ago

    I already do this. Everyone in my family gets the same thing. Some years it sucks but I don’t care. Everyone I give presents to are adults. I don’t want more shit in my house, just make me something cool or that I can eat.