A reactionary, capitalist, consumerist nightmare of a holiday for treat chasing kkkrackkers!

Under Communism we will re-edit “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” to end with the Grinch shoving that sled over the cliff before a crowd of crying Whos, and the Grinch will be declared a Hero of the People’s Republic!

We will replace Christmas with Halloween 2, the superior proletariat Holiday to the decadent bourgeois Christmas!

…sorry I work retail and this week has been utter hell. Fuck Christmas!

  • ElChapoDeChapo [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    How about we just ban black friday and create a better non racist replacement for thanksgiving with better food to act as a barricade between Christmas and Halloween?

    In fact this new holiday could even be about the conflict between Halloween and Christmas and the dark time of capitalism when black friday ruined the whole holiday season