The first time I saw this and he got to the part about your hand not going through the chair, and how magnets just do the same thing at a distance, it was like seeing the Matrix briefly. Definite “oh shit” moment. Also gave me a flashback of Sagan telling me that matter was basically comprised of nothing. By accident Lucas was right - the Force is all around us, binding us. It’s all forces.
This reminded me of Richard Feynman talking about this very topic. Always enjoy rewatching it.
I love watching Feynman prove icp right.
The first time I saw this and he got to the part about your hand not going through the chair, and how magnets just do the same thing at a distance, it was like seeing the Matrix briefly. Definite “oh shit” moment. Also gave me a flashback of Sagan telling me that matter was basically comprised of nothing. By accident Lucas was right - the Force is all around us, binding us. It’s all forces.