Schaetzel suggested that Floyd died of high levels of catecholamines, a neurohormone associated with the flight-or-fight response, or Takotsubo myocarditis, a heart condition caused by intense emotional or physical experiences.

  • Skiluros
    43 months ago

    With the US civil rights movement it’s worth considering the international context too. The cold war was was it’s early phase of intensity and it was difficult for US to compete in terms of soft power with formal discrimination laws. The world was undergoing intense decolonisation during that period.

    That being said, I don’t support a defeatist view of the viability of protest. But you do need clear goals and a sufficiently large core group of people willing to take risks.

    • Flying Squid
      33 months ago

      I wasn’t trying to be defeatist. That’s why I said they were not enough. More than protesting has to be done. In the American political system, that means a shitload of lobbying and networking to get to the ears of the people who need to hear it. Plus doing whatever you can to get the media on your side. The media turning on Nixon (and vice-versa) was a big help in turning people against Vietnam. There was a real “if the president says so, it’s okay” attitude before that.