Schaetzel suggested that Floyd died of high levels of catecholamines, a neurohormone associated with the flight-or-fight response, or Takotsubo myocarditis, a heart condition caused by intense emotional or physical experiences.

    173 months ago

    George could have just gotten done slaughtering a school bus full of kids using a chainsaw in a fentanyl-induced psychosis, it’s kinda irrelevant. He was cuffed and under the control of three police officers. Chauvin remained on his neck minutes after he was already said to be without a pulse. He murdered him, intentionally, and made sure of it, and seemingly did so just to upset the horrified onlookers. If you are told that the handcuffed and prone guy you’re kneeling on is dead, and your response isn’t to render first aid, but instead to spend another few minutes crushing his neck… yeah, that’s murder however you slice it.