Then you search them up and realized they were banned or removed doggirl-gloom

The sword of Damocles reminds me when, if I ever turn rightist once again, may the Hexbear ban-hammer me dead

  • Lyudmila [she/her, comrade/them]
    153 months ago

    It’s genuinely this simple.

    There’s a huge gulf of space between being wrong about something (not going to get you banned) and deciding to die on a hill and turning into a corncob.(can get you banned)

    Pm_me_your_Foucaults spent like 2-3 hours doubling and tripling down in the mod chat after the other person left the chat room. A ton of other people tried to de-escalate or smooth things over, Foucaults absolutely was not having any of it. They never do, and they regularly seek out arguments.

    If they do some self-crit (the bar is on the floor) and want to come back, they’re more than welcome to do so.

    • frauddogg [null/void, undecided]
      3 months ago

      I’m not outright angry with Foucaults, especially when some more of the context around why my username was in their mouth was posted. Annoyed, yes; exasperated by the doubling and tripling down, of course; but I’m infinitely more enraged by the rest of the community. Even more posters of em_poc are mulling over, or are actively working to cut this forum out because of today’s fuckin horseshit.

      I’d just like to ‘thank’ every smug motherfucker, REgon especially, that contributed to that; with all the sarcasm and contempt I can muster. On god, if that comm goes the way of the 'grad’s Black Comrades comm, I’m fuckin gone too; which will no doubt delight some of the power users who apparently get to skate around getting told to stay the fuck out of somewhere they’re no longer welcome.

        • frauddogg [null/void, undecided]
          3 months ago

          I’d like to hope, but knowing just how many posters from em_poc have spoken up about their dipping out because of the settler-‘leftism’ here, I have to wonder how many we lost that said nothing before they dipped. I want the hemorrhage to stop. I want the settlers, the male-coded, the Amerikans, anyone with an iota of privilege in their fucking blood to either do better or get fucking lost.

    • Lemmygradwontallowme [he/him, comrade/them]OP
      63 months ago

      There’s a huge gulf of space between being wrong about something (not going to get you banned) and deciding to die on a hill and turning into a corncob.(can get you banned)

      Honestly, I don’t understand why people double down, you know. It’s like this quote says…

      What profits {them} to bleed? Shall the dust praise {them}? Shall the worms declare {their} truth?