Then you search them up and realized they were banned or removed doggirl-gloom

The sword of Damocles reminds me when, if I ever turn rightist once again, may the Hexbear ban-hammer me dead

  • REgon [they/them]
    3 months ago

    The fact that users like a frauddogg can run around sephiroth posting like the protagonist in an action movie for divorced dads, but I can’t tell people to suck my ass is incredibly telling. My issue is inconsistent moderation and favouritism.

    The moderation team reminds me of that years old video of the DSA meeting where people kept coming on with “point of order”. The mod team are like the people who reduced Gloria La Riva to “a cis woman”. They’re the kind of people you hate to have in an org, the kind of people you suggest of being a fed because they follow the fed playbook to a T (which we can’t point out here). It’s rancid and it sucks and it’s gotten really bad over just a few months.

    I’m sure these idiots are celebrating the fact so many news mega posters are gone, considering the fact several of them hate it is there. What I said in the old struggle session remains true, they’re going to end up being on a site of 7 people where they blame 3 for being bigots that scare people away, never once stopping to consider if they maybe are the ones who suck.

    • frauddogg [null/void, undecided]
      3 months ago

      Real talk you fuckin weasel; who the fuck do you think you are? I know you don’t fix your face to talk shit like this irl and I will sig your ass sideways for it with your translucent ass; I see straight the fuck through you. You wanna talk about “posting like Sephiroth”, let’s see bout that.

      Pot meet the goddamned kettle. This ain’t even your WHOLE MODLOG, you absolute skidmark. I can play this game too:

      • ‘Leftists’ like you are why I explicitly only organize with my skin and kinfolk at this point.
      • ‘Leftists’ like you are why I have no faith in the western left.
      • ‘Leftists’ like you are why I don’t trust anyone who bears the water of toxic masculinity even one time.
      • ‘Leftists’ like you are why I don’t believe there’s a future where the settler-leftist and the subject-of-empire struggle together.
      • ‘Leftists’ like you are why when someone does no investigation of their own on a subject they inquire about, I ask them why the fuck they’re yapping at me.
      • ‘Leftists’ like you are why I left reddit and the 'grad in the first motherfuckin place.
      • ‘Leftists’ like you are why I put apostrophes around ‘leftist’!!!

      Where the fuck were you in the Will to Change threads? Where the fuck are your works? What do you do, and who do you do it for? Cause if I was just out here for the pat on the mf back, I could talk for hours about my org’s campaign against AFRICOM. Hell, I could talk for days about my literal goddamn years moving surplus produce through my community. When I look at you, tho, I see little more than slop in your backlog posts, slop in your comments, I don’t see you showing out or putting on for nobody. I hope to god you don’t have an org; 'cause I’d walk out on it if I saw you in it with your insufferable ass. Show and prove, motherfucker, bring it out here.

      Because right now, all I see is a treatbrained reddit-adjacent cracker (no wonder you went for ‘Sephiroth’ like it’s supposed to be an insult, all that slop in your backlog) who’s gotten pinched for hostility EVEN MORE THAN ME on this fed (cause most of mine? From other goddamn feds. I don’t like stepping on poster’s toes here specifically; but you just out here VOLUNTEERING FOR THE DRAG); and I can’t wait to hear you say “oh i’m not white/not from Amerika/not a westerner” because motherfucker you sure as shit sound like one. I’d trade you for davel in a heartbeat even after all his defense of theftboxes.

      So next time you think you wanna put my name in your mouth like this? Think twice, and don’t with your IMAX projector-lookin ass. You already my new example; don’t make it worse. I’mma leave this last part in header-text, so when you inevitably come back and go “well I’m not reading all that bullshit” cause I’ve seen you do it before, at least the point will stick:

      You are not beating the allegations. You are not about this life. Take your bullshit and go home, and keep my username out your motherfuckin mouth from now on.

      • REgon [they/them]
        03 months ago

        Come on dawg, for some so proud of being unafraid, why don’t you post from your main?