The first game that comes to mind for me is Civilizations 4. I’ve probably spent hundreds of hours playing but after getting used to 5 and 6 I have a really hard time going back. Going back and forth between 5 and 6 I need to rethink some strategies but with 4 I feel like I need to rethink everything. I don’t know if it’s because of the tech tree layout in combination with the civics system, things like unit stacking, or maybe just a bunch of little things but it takes me a while to readjust.

    12 months ago

    I recently replayed Legend of Dragoon, and I’d do it again.

    I tried to play Golden Sun again though, and it just has WAY too much dialogue. And not in a good way. Just lots of filler dialogue that doesn’t add depth; it just restates the story and what’s currently going on.

        22 months ago

        I’m playing a Steam release of an old PC JRPG (Trails in the Sky) and it has the best feature ever…

        A turbo button that doesn’t affect the sound of the game. Dialogue plays, music plays at the normal rate, no pitch shifting… it’s glorious.

        I’d pay for any emulator that could support something like that for every game.