Final Fantasy 16 producer and 14 director Naoki Yoshida wishes everyone played games on the same console.

  • jeebus
    42 years ago

    With the itty bitty tiny text? I love my deck but damn it doesn’t work with my old man eyes.

    • FreeBooteR69
      32 years ago

      They invented these things called reading glasses, have you heard of them? Anyway, PC mouse and keyboard is king, but we’re talking console format here i think, and a PC console is better than a walled garden console.

      • harmonea
        2 years ago

        Wow, that’s a kind of dismissal that only those who have no idea how bad it gets can wield. Reading glasses help with clarity, but clarity is not the only issue with old eyes and other visual impairment. Sometimes you just plain need things bigger.

        One day you’ll look back on this exchange and cringe at the kind of person you used to be. Be better. Accessibility is important.

        Signed, someone who’s needed full-time prescription glasses for 35+ years and only recently started having to read small print on food and medicine containers with the zoom on my phone camera.