Vent - After spending yesterday in a depressive episode from burnout I’ve decided that I’m too old to be anything but aggressively ND. Literally every day is systemic violence against ND folks to force us into their boxes- so fuck it. Maybe this is the year I’ll file an EEO complaint for forcing me to be in the office. I’m sick of it all. Or maybe it’s just working in the climate/water field and internalizing how fucked we are- or how little anyone cares. Idk. I usually rely heavily on dissociation as a coping strategy for making it through days of inane bullshit while the world burns, but am giving sobriety a try (5 days and I hate it!). Any way- I hope your years are off to a good start, and hope you all find peace and happiness :)

  • bortsampson [he/him, any]
    142 months ago

    “Next time work makes us go on a team-building day, I’ll tell them the truth: that despite what the CEO says, we’re not a family, and I can’t muster the level of delusion that would allow me to believe that we are.”

    This is perfect.