• came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
    162 months ago

    I’ve only ever met IRL one person from oklahoma, so it would be fucked up to judge everyone in that made up shape by that experience.

    but he was the dumbest guy I’ve ever seen. I was working out west and like the bosses would say, “park your personal trucks over there and don’t drive around unnecessarily (at a school with little kids darting around chaotically). and 100% do not drive them up this old, uneven and unstable pedestrian-only road mostly used by children at play which is part of a fragile ecological restoration project. if you need or want help moving things up there, here is the process.”

    and the dude would, within 20 minutes of being at that meeting, be driving his custom painted truck with green flames up that “road”, not to move any tools or materials, but so he could blast his radio while waiting for something to do.

    also took a silly game of touch football played after dinner so seriously he tackled a 10 year old and knocked them out cold, requiring an ambulance to come. and then bragged about how he laid the child out. he was told to leave and thought it was unfair/didn’t understand why.

    it really fucked my impression of Oklahoma up, because I always think of that guy.

    I can only assume he’s high up in state government now, given this story.