I recently figured out I have ADHD. I also recently discovered that having a daily routine makes me feel a lot better. I learned this in a structured environment (rehab) and once I left that, I still know what I need to do and I know it will make me feel better and more productive, but I don’t know how to do it…
I have lists (yes I have to include stuff like eating breakfast and brushing my teeth lol) but I dunno how to have them in a way that I can see and implement them. I have them on my phone, in my journal, post it notes around, etc. The only way that sort of works so far is to have an alarm on my phone titled with a long list of things to do, and just hit the snooze every ten minutes for hours, so I’m constantly being pestered. This annoys people around me, lol, and isn’t all that effective anyway.
I’m looking forward to maybe medication but in the meantime I fucking KNOW that I will feel better if I can do these things. Any advice on how to trick myself to do them?
Some thoughts:
Lastly, just read up on the science of habits. Knowing that there is a clear understanding of how habits get formed, and why, you can leverage that knowledge for yourself. We obviously have a much harder time doing this, but this science still applies to us as well.