First of all, I don’t want you to help me with a specific problem. All the details in this post are just examples and I’m interested in getting a general understanding.

So I just wanted to play doom eternal, but when I press play on steam, after a couple of seconds the button switches from blue back to green with no game running. I checked protondb and saw that the game was gold rated, so it should run fine.

I checked the tweaks that people use and they suggest different proton versions. But no matter what I do, I basically get nothing. There are no error messages or log files. Same with other games I tried in the past.

So basically when a game does not work out of the box, I have no idea where to look for cues on how to fix it. Is there a verbose mode or something similar?

    2 months ago

    In addition to everything everyone else has said, the launch option: PROTON_LOG=1 %command% (from the wiki). It will create a steam-<gameid>.log in your homedir which can have lots of good wine/proton specific information in it.

    You can also rename the file in a given proton version in $HOME/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Proton - <version>/ to and uncomment the additional wine debugging options (PROTON_LOG is already set in this file, but it is not active until it’s renamed or passed directly on the Launch Options line).