Communist men only date women older than them! Preferably by at least five years.

  • yoink [she/her]
    2 months ago

    sorry if i keep coming across as incensed with these comments, but it feels like an insane blindspot for hexbear to have

    like why of all things is this being memed on? Sure, you’ll see the occasional post that goes overboard but it’s incomprehensible to me to log on to this site and see people acting like there is NOTHING to be taken seriously here. EVERYONE has to have some ‘Power Dynamics’ or ‘well lock me up cos my girlfriend is two weeks younger than me’ joke to post for a handful of upvotes.

    Maybe it’s because the users commenting have never dealt with this, or had friends who have, but it feels like this whole thing denies entire experiences that so many of my AFAB friends have had with older men manipulating and taking advantage of them at 16 (or if they have even a modicum of shame, waiting to pounce until theyre 18), and to see users here just brush the entire thing off - and for what? Legitimately for what?

    That last question is why this whole thing smacks of defensiveness for me. Either that or a bunch of people being reactionary and scared of some imagined puritan boogeyman laying in hiding in the next generation.

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
      2 months ago

      And these aren’t even “edgy” jokes made purely for shock value. These feel more like personal reactions and male defensiveness. And a lot of the people making these “jokes” seem to have he/him pronouns, which is even more suspicious. It’s almost like there’s some type of misogyny going on being passed off as irony… 🤔

      Edit: Ah just looked at your post history and yup you brought this up last time. It seems nothing was done or learned from it.

    • Kuori [she/her]
      72 months ago

      yeah ngl i am probably the person in question who is being subquoted here by the other user and a lot of the reason why i don’t bother to check my hyperbole around the issue is because of how positively revolting so many of the users here get about this stuff

      like no it’s not “literally pedophilia” but i also don’t give a fuck, y’know? i want people to stop clamoring for the right to fuck teens. if comparing them to pedos makes even a single person go “hmm maybe this is a little weird” then hoo fucking ray but mostly i am just tired of everyone treating a situation that is 99% of the time an older man abusing a younger inexperienced woman like it’s a funny fucking joke