To my brain, nothing is worth pursuing or trying. “How can you guarantee that you’ll be alive to finish anything you start?” My brain asks. And it’s right. I can never make that guarantee.

It directs me to spoil myself with instant gratification because it knows I will still be alive to experience it. There’s no risk of working towards nothing. Don’t make goals. Don’t take risks. Embrace mediocrity. Do the bare minimum needed to survive. That way, you will never be disappointed.

I’m so tired of thinking like this. It started when I got a serious chronic illness that couldn’t be diagnosed. I always manage to survive for longer than I predict, and then I look back and notice that I have done nothing for the last 3 years.

I hope that I don’t continue to make the same mistake in response to Current Events™. I’m sure that falling for it again would be helpful to the exact people I really don’t want to be helping.

    42 months ago

    Thanks for sharing yours! :)

    I just wrote that off the top of my head because I couldn’t think of the opposite of optimism being pessimism, lol. Only nihilism popped into my mind but that’s different from what we’re saying. Radical pessimism is most likely better, but same meaning. Maybe nihilism could go hand in hand with either term. If everything is meaningless you can choose to be optimistic or pessimistic, would you agree?

      32 months ago

      Yes I agree! Nihilism lets you dictate the terms so dealers choice how you decide to create meaning.

      Also agree that pessimism is probably the more immediate opposite but I kinda like negativism because it feels like it carries a little more agency for some reason.