Get ready for a bunch of unskilled people making the shittiest apps imaginable.

And I wonder how easy it will be to get Claude to create malware with just a few prompts…

  • Eager Eagle
    62 months ago

    To explain the clickbaity title: it means their product won’t target professional coders, not that they won’t hire them.

    Honestly, that makes sense, since anyone who knows a bit about Software development can see that handing off control of your app to a large language model in a way you have no clue of what’s going on in the back is not sustainable at all.

    Customers could, in theory, use Claude directly to create software, but then they’d have to handle everything else that goes along with it. “What you’d have to do is pay for Claude, go to AWS to start an EC2 machine, go into that, install Git and Python. Already, most people are just gone at this point,” he said.

    so their competitive advantage is not having to start an ec2 instance lol