How long until the chuds blame this on DEI and WOKE in the military?

  • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
    232 months ago

    I don’t understand why we have to have these schlemihls fucking around in hundred million dollar equipment and incinerating a billion gallons of kerosene when surely flight sims are really fucking good in this year of our lord 2025

    • DoiDoi [comrade/them, he/him]
      2 months ago

      Sims have come a long way (and they are used for some training) but they’ll never be able to fully replace actual flight time. Obviously they shouldn’t need to be flying in an active approach path, but as long as pilots are a thing they’ll still have to have regular flight hours to keep up with certification and all that. Washington DC airspace is a total mess and the base the heli took off from is across the river from KDCA, and right next to the most common RNAV approach for runway 33 which seems like a horrible spot for training flights.