20-01-2025. This is a real image

    • Yggstyle
      12 months ago

      Whoa now. That’s crazy talk.

      Next you’re going to tell me they want everyone to be registered online to our IDs so we can be tracked. I mean to save the children. 🇺🇸

      And then you’d prolly suggest something wild like they are putting back doors in our encryption and communication networks so they can track us further … I mean to save the children. 🇺🇸🦅

      I suppose then just for fun you’d toss in something utterly insane like keeping track of us with camera systems and arresting us using those cameras - purely on speculation alone… I mean to save the children. 🇺🇸🦅🫡

      And you’d be an absolute comedian - Because what are we… some crazy country like all those bad ones we talk about? Nonono. Not only are we free - #Buy God™, we’re gonna save those kids. 🇺🇸🦅🫡🎇🎆🎇

      (Yes the spelling was intentional)