Something that totally shocked you learning it or realizing it. I might be using the wrong wording here, but ill give you my example:

In Ocarina of Time, we all know the Triforce was cut, or otherwise not something you get in the game, save for in the cutscenes towards the end. BUT - did you know you can actually go find it and see it in the game?

If you have a Gameshark, turn on the levitation code. Go go Zeldas Cortyard in the room where she is, and fly over the wall. When you fall, you’ll land in a pool of invisible water, and underneath the center of the room with the flowers, look down - there it is. Can’t interact with it, but you can see it, and i choose to believe putting it in that exact spot was intentional for lore reasons.

What do you got?

  • Carl [he/him]
    391 month ago

    What was “the war” in Pokemon? Lt Surge fought in it, and apparently Pokemon did too, but there hasn’t been any prequel game that explores it.

    But here’s an interesting reading: so in early Pokemon content guns were a thing, but later on it was decided that guns don’t exist in the Pokeverse. This could be explained in-universe - perhaps guns were a common sight at one time, but they’ve faded out as the Pokeverse’s society has gotten more utopian. This can also be seen in the schemes of the Pokeverse’s organized crime - Giovanni and Team Rocket were up to some bad stuff, racketeering, gambling, poaching, but as you go forward in time the worst crimes committed by society’s anti-social element are tagging and petty larceny.

    Could it be that “the war” was the final war, and Lt Surge was a member of the People’s Army that finally defeated the bourgeoisie, allowing for the creation of utopian post-capitalist societies where lotteries are held just for fun, kids can go on cross-country trips unsupervised, and the only vestige of currency is play money paid out just for participating in society and used to buy non-essential things because all of the necessities of life are distributed for free?

    It’s not impossible!