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  • GoodGuyWithACat [he/him]
    31 month ago

    I don’t know your life experience or what will work for you. But I spent 20 something years of my life gagging at beans. Now I will eat beans in most forms, except refried. I felt just like you, the texture was gross. I started with chilis and soups that had beans in it, but also other stuff to not focus on. Gradually I tried more and more bean dishes and have grown to enjoy them.

      21 month ago

      Yeah, I have tried many, the texture still gets me every time. I’m hoping one day I’ll be find a preparation that isn’t horrible. I picked up some dry beans recently so I can see if making them from scratch is better because there’s been more than once where a pre-made version repulsed me but a homemade version turned out OK, I just need to find some good prep instructions.